to sprit or swallow Pt'2

⭐please read carefully⭐

after hearing Lizzy's voice. Without thinking of the consequences, Mrs. Charlotte grabbed Max's hand and led him towards the only open door in the hallway.

the two entered the bathroom, Mrs. Charlotte pushes Max into the middle of the bathroom and turned around, leaning against the door to try to listen to Lizzy's footsteps.

with a smile on his face Max takes off his shirt showing his pectorals, the noise is heard by Mrs. Charlotte.... she turns her head and her mouth drops open in surprise.

at that moment.... Mrs. Charlotte catches the sound of footsteps coming down the hall, having to put her ear back to the door.

This action is used by Max who slowly takes off his shoes, pants and underwear.

Mrs. Charlotte realized what Max was doing but she didn't stop him, she only swallowed a little saliva,. turned her head to one side and put her ear to the door.

*knock knock*

⁓"who's playing? "⁓ Charlotte asks a little nervously.

that question surprised and annoyed Lizzy who smacks her lips *mich* at her knowing that Max wasn't in the bathroom.

Lizzy lets out a sigh, to relax her temper, and with a sweet voice answers. ⁓ "It's me Lizzy, Mrs. Charlotte. I wanted to go to the bathroom. " ⁓

⁓ "I'm sorry Lizzy, but my bathroom doesn't work, you can use the bathroom on the first floor." ⁓ Mrs. Charlotte answers and remains silent, waiting for Lizzy to walk away from the bathroom or go downstairs.

on the other hand Max received the information of the electronic Bracelet.

🧍‍♀️ [Woman ♀ ]

Name: Charlotte Venedith

Age: 36 years old [⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐]

Likes: Caress

Fetishes: [swallow cum]

Affinity: [ 35 💖 ]

[ Bonus ] ( every sexual activity you perform will have a multiple of 6 )

Max finished removing his clothes and kicked her out of the way. he looked to the sides finding a window 30 cm above the shower, opens the interface of the Electronic Bracelet and asks for an anal lubricant with immediate delivery. he puts the exact coordinates with various specifications and a picture of the window.

a couple of seconds later, he got a message to the Bracelet.

Delivery: [Falcon Express]🎁🦅

Article: Lubricant 🧴

Estimated Time: 5-10 minutes

Amount to pay: $200 USD.

When solving the most important problem, Max had a smile on his face, as he approaches Mrs. Charlotte with slow steps and with enough noise, not to take the lady by surprise. mainly it was to prevent him from making a fuss inside the bathroom.

Mrs. Charlotte listened when Max started to walk behind her and with a trembling voice she asked Lizzy but looking at Max. ⁓"honey you need something else. "⁓ Mrs. Charlotte raises her hand to stop Max from getting closer.

Max stayed silent, but never stopped his steps, arriving behind the lady's back, he moves both hands to touch the lady's thighs on both sides.

Max causes the lady's body to tremble like a leaf in the wind, but Max hasn't finished. he slides his hands up thighs, buttocks, until he reaches Mrs. Charlotte's hips.

in response, Mrs. Charlotte wants to grab Max's hands to stop them from rising past his hips.

at the same time....

on the other side of the door Lizzy asks ⁓ "Ma'am, Antony tells me if he can play for a couple of hours, because he has finished his study hours." ⁓

Max moves his fingertips up, down, and back between the lady's hips, butt, and thighs.

Max rubs, massages and kneads Charlotte's fleshy skin. he makes the lady put her hands on the door again and answers Lizzy somewhat nervously... ⁓ "I agree, you can... Plaaaay." ⁓ the last part is said a little louder and she returns to see the culprit with annoyance.

Max smiles apologetically…with some signs he says. ⁓ "[👉🤲] he spreads his legs and raises his hip. [👍🤛]" ⁓ Saying this, Max pats Mrs. Charlotte's hip.

⁓"huum"⁓ after the complaint. Charlotte shakes her head. Max with the same smile pats the hip again, a couple more times.

in response, Mrs. Charlotte shakes her head again.Max shrugs off the denial., grabs and plays with his cock a couple of times, this is watched by Mrs. Charlotte over her shoulder.

when Max finished erecting her shaft. stepped forward closing the distance and directs his cock over Mrs. Charlotte's cave.

in response, the lady swallows a bit of saliva, clenches her teeth and eyes tightly.

⁓"God!!!"⁓ says Mrs. Charlotte, feeling how the dragon's head entered her cave inch by inch... Mrs. Charlotte's concentration is distracted by Lizzy's voice asking seconds later ⁓" Ma'am, are you alright?

⁓"Yeah, Yeah I'm fine, very good... God !!! "⁓ replies Mrs. Charlotte.


⁓ "Okay, I'll go tell her son the good news. Mrs. Charlotte.." ⁓ replies Lizzy

⁓ "Please... Oh my God !!! go tell him" ⁓ Mrs. Charlotte says and tries to lean her body against the door. she resists Max's slow penetrations. clenching her teeth as his breasts sway in rhythm with the thrusts in her body.

Max stops and hits the lady's feet with the tip of his toes.

Charlotte opens her legs, raises her hips and accommodates her body,

In response, Max continues to move his fingers along the lady's hips, it was like petting a cat. The more you caress him, the more he stretches his back.

Max's penetrations continue to be slow, enjoying the moment. making Charlotte moan with every hip movement

in the hallway...

Lizzy turned around and immediately ran to Antony's room and gave him the good news. seconds later Antony accompanies Lizzy to her father's bedroom to look for the game console....



passing near the bathroom door, Antony stops and asks Lizzy. ⁓"did you hear something"⁓ Lizzy doesn't stop and grabs Antony's hand ⁓"hear what? "⁓ pulls Antony's hand changing the subject. ⁓"what do you plan to play? "⁓

being games, Antony gets excited and starts their conversation. ⁓"Of course I'll play some MMORPG adventure."⁓ Lizzy smiles and leads Antony into the master bedroom.

Max leans over the body of the lady and comments. ⁓ "That was close." ⁓ In reply Mrs. Charlotte….she takes one of her hands to her mouth. to prevent another involuntary sound from escaping.

Seeing this, Max returns to his position, holds Charlotte's hips tightly and accelerates her movements causing a series of moans. by Mrs. Charlotte. ⁓"pliss....oh my god...fuck me faster faster...plisss-Ah"⁓ having said that.

Seconds later....

Mrs. Charlotte's body shakes a couple of times and Max pulls his cock out as fast as he can. while the nectar of love falls abundantly to the floor with each one of the spasms.

Outside the hall, just in front of the door a few centimeters away is Lizzy standing with a shocked face and her hands covering her mouth. she had had a crazy feeling, but she wasn't entirely sure.

now with this noise Lizzy had confirmed it.

Lizzy tries to look through the doorknob, but she gets no results. because everything was dark. until....Lizzy looks at the light gradually appearing....she sees a body moving away....she can look at Mrs. Charlotte's body....moments later someone hugs the hips of the Mrs. and they exchange some kisses.....the kisses get more intense....the lady hugs the other person's neck....the other person lifts Mrs. Charlotte from the ground in her arms.... After raising the lady. moans, moans and more moans begin to be heard. [ Sss-aah ]

the lady was being fucked up to her ears.


Opening the door to the master bedroom, she catches Lizzy's attention, who quickly gets up and walks quickly towards Antony.

Antony goes out and closes the door to the master bedroom.

Antony shows off the game console with a couple of video games. ⁓"look Lizzy I found the video games"⁓

Lizzy smiles and comments in response ⁓""I'm glad you'll find them, because your mother doesn't listen to me... "⁓ Walking down the hall, Lizzy made enough noise for them to hold back for a moment....

Lizzy was watching Antony play for more than an hour.... in all that hour he left the bedroom for more than ten times. but the rabbits went on and on fucked inside the bathroom, until she definitely got bored, but she suddenly hears the door close in the hallway and she says goodbye to Antony right away. ⁓"I'm going home "⁓

Anthony didn't put Interest in Lizzy's exit and just raises her hand saying. ⁓"see you soon !!!"⁓

Lizzy left the bedroom and sees Mrs. Charlotte entering her bedroom.... Lizzy waits for the lady to close the door.

Lizzy walked down the hall and quietly down the stairs to the front door.


[I perform vaginal sex for $1,000 USD x 6(⭐) x 2 = $12,000 USD.]

[I perform vaginal sex for $1,000 USD x 6(⭐) x 2 = $12,000 USD.]

[I perform Anal sex $2000 USD x 6(⭐) x 2 = $24,000 USD. ]

When he finished bathing without wetting his hair, Max received several messages and left the bathroom as if nothing had happened.

He went down the stairs to the living room.. Mrs. Charlotte was quickly preparing the food in the kitchen...⁓"Ma'am, see you"⁓ says Max before heading to the door.

leaving the house he approaches the electronic bracelet and says. ⁓"call Keyla"⁓ the bracelet turns on and does the automatic dialing....

⁓"Wow that's the new Spectrum bracelet"⁓ Lizzy's voice surprises Max who immediately turns to look at her....but Max just nods and smiles in response to the question....*Ding*

after the first ringtone, Keyla's voice is heard answering. ⁓"hello!!"⁓

⁓"I just finished tutoring, I'm outside the house you can come pick me up. "⁓ replies Max

⁓ "in 5 min. we will arrive master "⁓ answers Keyla.

⁓ "Okay" ⁓ says Max before hanging up the call, as he walks towards the gate, Lizzy follows Max two steps behind him.

reaching the street, Lizzy follows behind Max. she with her hands behind her back, pretending to be a good girl.

Max looks both ways down the street. then he looks back and asks Lizzy bluntly. ⁓"what's up girl. ? "⁓

Lizzy flashes her best smile and answers. ⁓"I know what you did with Mrs. Charlotte in the bathroom. "⁓

⁓"Oh"⁓ Max nods a couple of times, then looks at the street and continues waiting for the car...Lizzy continues with the same smile and adds whimsically. ⁓ "Her secret is safe with me" ⁓

⁓"Oh really"⁓ replies Max paying attention to Lizzy.

Lizzy nods and proudly says ⁓"of course....I'm someone from..."⁓

*cough cough*

the noise catches the attention of the two and they return to see.

⁓"what's going on"⁓ Mrs. Charlotte asks from the gate of the house.

Lizzy immediately replies with an innocent smile. ⁓"Nothing...Nothing, nothing's wrong, Mrs. Charlotte, I'm just talking to Max about the weather and how hot the day got...true...sir. "⁓

Lizzy's bright smile against Mrs. Charlotte's doubtful gaze. the two women wait attentively for Max's answer... who without any hurry looks at the sky, then at the street and finally at the two women behind him... ⁓"I'm sorry... I'd love to stay for your pointless chat. but too bad, they've already come for me."⁓ With that said, a black BMW car parks in front of Max and Keyla slowly comes down from the rear door with her imposing figure in a Beige dress with a bright smile.

With that dazzling figure, Keyla approaches Max with slow steps and without any problem leans down to kiss Max's lips in front of these dead flies.

Max takes advantage by sliding his claws over her waist and pressing Keyla's buttocks several times. at the end of the kiss Max asks. ⁓" are you baby? "⁓

With her best smile, Keyla first shows off her figure and answers. ⁓ "Beautiful" ⁓ she says and Keyla circled a couple more times with her hands proudly on her waist. before looking at the pair of dead flies.

Mrs. Charlotte lets out a snort of annoyance, on the other hand Lizzy just rolls her eyes and twists her mouth.. *Ajam*

this is heard by Keyla and she narrows her eyes in provocation.

Before they start any discussion, Max walks to the back of the car.

Max had no time to waste on nonsense.

before entering the car Max raises his hand and says goodbye. ⁓"I'll see you tomorrow."⁓ Without waiting for an answer, Max gets in the car. finding Deborah inside and a new girl who is immediately introduced. ⁓"master she is Vanessa one of the two most outgoing girls in interviews. "⁓

Although Vanessa had countless questions in her head when she recognized Max (by her friend Paola.) Vanessa immediately says. ⁓"nice to meet you master. "⁓

Max obviously recognizes the girl, but keeps the comments to himself. while he smiles.. ⁓"Nice to meet you Vanessa. You swallow or you spit."⁓

the random question shattered Vanessa's memorized presentation and she kept thinking for several seconds.... before answering, Lizzy enters the car commenting. ⁓"swallow what and spit what ? "⁓

Max stared at the brat getting into the car, with a look on her face. (what the hell are you doing in here)

Lizzy just makes a face and comments ⁓"you can drop me close to home, it's on her way."⁓ but right away Lizzy is pushed by Keyla. who gets into the car behind her and asks Max. ⁓ "Master, is it true that she is her friend? Because if not, at this moment I will pull this brat out of her hair, even if I have to drag her." ⁓

that scared Lizzy who looks at Keyla, then at Max and finally at the two women in the front seats. who also look at Lizzy like she sucks...

Max lets out a sigh and nods ⁓ "leave the brat alone" ⁓ this makes Lizzy laugh with glee, but she gets several annoyed snorts.

⁓"KYAAA. Hey why are you doing that."⁓ Lizzy yells looking at Keyla who is about to close the car door and asks. ⁓"do what ? "⁓

⁓"you punctured my buttock, look. "⁓ but strangely he doesn't show his butt to Keyla, he shows it to Max and he responds. ⁓"I don't see anything"⁓ looking at the skirt.

Lizzy didn't think to leave it at that and she smoothly lifts her skirt showing her white skin, adorned by white panties and a round butt, she points out. ⁓"here... look, look here. "⁓

As if this wasn't enough, Lizzy grabbed Max's hand and placed it on her butt. ⁓"here"⁓ obviously Max slides his fingers over the round buttock and other fleshy parts, feeling the fingers sliding over sensitive parts. this makes Lizzy's body tremble..

Lizzy has to remove Max's hand because the swelling from the pinched buttock is not what Max was touching right now.

Max seeing the brat's discomfort smacks her butt a few times *splash, splash* and says as he points to the other side of the seat. ⁓"you must move to this side or your butt will suffer the consequences."⁓

Lizzy nods and crosses over to Max who doesn't miss this opportunity, groping the brat and it takes longer. Keyla reacts and immediately sits next to Max.

Mrs. Charlotte's voice completely breaks the entire atmosphere inside the car. ⁓"Lizzy will call your house in 15 min. more or less. "⁓

Thanks to Keyla's body slouching between the seats, Mrs. Charlotte couldn't see what Max was doing with Lizzy.

⁓"Yes, Mrs. Charlotte"⁓ Lizzy replies nervously.

on the other hand Max puts one of his fingers in his mouth, sucks on it a couple of times and says. ⁓"bittersweet"⁓ Lizzy just lets out an annoyed snort as she sits on the other side.

Vanessa starts the car and Deborah shows Ruth's photo ⁓"Master what do you think about getting this photo out."⁓ Max looks at the photo for a moment and nods ⁓"sure...but how? "⁓

⁓"this will be easy master trust me. "⁓ answers Vanessa looking at Max in the rearview mirror.


Paola was trying to reach Gilbert but she had the phone turned off.

perhaps the company was in an important Meeting.

Paola left the smartphone on the bed, minutes later it vibrates a couple of times

*Buzz. Buzz*

*Buzz Buzz*

Paola immediately ran to see if it was Gilbert, but she wrinkles her mouth when she sees that the message belongs to Vanessa. (Now what the hell do you want?) Paola says in her mind as she looks at the screen.

Curiosity wins over Paola and she opens the message "as you see" but Paola's face changes color in various shades, after seeing who the woman is in the photograph and the clothes she is wearing.

to the point of taking several heavy steps to the ground. and Paola starts the best tantrum of her life.

throwing things, yelling, cursing. leaving the entire bedroom a mess.

minutes later.....

By the time Gilbert arrived at the house, Paola was still screaming and cursing out loud, scaring the maid who was in the living room.

⁓"What happened Gina? "⁓ Gilbert asks.

⁓ "I think the lady got that way because of a photo of Ruth, sir. Because she has shouted and cursed that name a thousand times, but I don't know who she is or the reason why she does this." ⁓ Answers Gina scared.

Gilbert knew the reason perfectly, but it is a problem that there should be no strange opinions. Gilbert clears his throat and says. ⁓"you can go home Gina that's all. I'll talk to the lady."⁓

Gina nods and walks off to change her work uniform...on the way Gina texts "ready". seconds later she receives a $50 USD deposit.


inside the black BMW. Keyla leans over Max and deftly unbuttons her pants and unzips her.

Looking at Lizzy wasting her time, Keyla snorts in annoyance and says ⁓ "she stops dreaming and grabs the other side of her pants." ⁓ Lizzy blanked out not knowing what she should do

⁓"Keyla stop scaring the kids. come on baby you have to go over to this side."⁓ says Deborah hitting the passenger seat a couple of times.

Lizzy just scrunches up her face and grabs Max's pants complete with underwear. Lizzy tugs hard to discover a swinging bamboo pole as she stands up in the open air.

⁓"Oh my God"⁓ comments Lizzy scared, swallowing hard.

With a smile on her face, Keyla grabs the middle shaft and moves her hand several times *zazz, zazz* as she stimulates the shaft a few more times. Keyla asks. ⁓ "girl, do you want to try?".

with a look over the cock, Lizzy replies. ⁓"I do not know how to do it "⁓

⁓"You must listen to your older sister, you brat, you must come over here and watch me do it."⁓ Deborah says without missing an opportunity, hitting the seat.

⁓ " girl you should ignore that, now...pays a lot of attention, ... today you will learn from a professional how to give a good blowjob." ⁓ Keyla comments, as she continues to stimulate the dragon with her hand and runs her tongue over her lips savoring the moment.

Without saying anything else, Keyla leans over Max's hips and licks the shaft a couple of times....Keyla sits down and tells Lizzy. ⁓ "now you do it." ⁓ Lizzy shakes her head a couple of times

⁓"Then what the hell are you doing there?"⁓ asks Deborah annoyed at not letting her sit near Max.

Max takes out the lube and hands it to Keyla ⁓"hurry up or someone else will take your place"⁓ points to Lizzy ⁓"pay attention"⁓ with that Max leans back in the seat, while with a smile Keyla opens the lube and dabs it on on the shaft, before pulling her dress up to her waist.

⁓"master where are we going"⁓ asks Vanessa.

⁓"Let's go to a men's boutique I need to buy a good suit"⁓ replies Max....