System Reboot

⭐Please, Take your time to read. ⭐

Choosing the date was easy, just when the virtual currency was in its beginnings, to be exact, when they sold you packages of 100 bitcoins for 10 dollars and 1000 for 100 dollars.

My main problem was having enough money to buy at least 100 packs with 1000 virtual coins each.

My second problem was my age since if I somehow won a lot of money with the lottery I would need the support of a legal guardian to claim amounts above $10,000.

After thinking carefully about which person to talk to about this topic, my eyes focused on the blue screen and his first message had not changed.

[You are Reborn, please adjust your system for your new life. ]


After a long sigh I press the accept button. After receiving the command the blue screen begins to flash intermittently and after several seconds the screen disappears and then appears again but this time in a yellow color, seconds later the screen changes to a deep red color.

And in large letters that cover the entire screen is the word:


This word lasted several seconds and disappeared and then reappeared


And again.


[A vulnerability has been detected in the system caused by an excess of rebirths. ]

[Revivals granted: 1]

[Revivals performed: 5475]

[All rebirth is completely canceled until the arrival of the first invasion. ]

[The system will be launched generally at the beginning of the first invasion. ]

[The system will reboot in 5 seconds]

[ 5 ]

[ 4 ]

[ 3 ]

[ 2 ]

[ 1 ]

The red screen turned off completely, seconds later it came back on, but now in a yellow color and finally in a green color.

Seconds later it turns off completely again.

▮...… [ System boot. ]

The blue screen appears in front of my eyes again, but now it had a different message than before.

[Congratulations you are the first person to have the survival system on this planet..]

[Congratulations, you have received a gift package. ]

[This package includes: a storage capacity for general things and living beings, a physical, mystical and mental enhancement, 5 vials of rejuvenation, 100,000 golden coins]

[The different sections, such as skills and the store, are blocked until the arrival of the invaders. ]

[The system will launch different missions at random, these missions are not mandatory, but when you complete them you will receive different rewards from the system. ]

After these messages the screen flashes to update.


Name: Maximus Warren.

Range: None.

Physical strength: [0]

Mystical Strength or Mana: [ 0 ]

Metal strength: [ 0 ]


After my condition appears, my body begins to flash in a golden light, my skin feels warm, my bones thunder and muscles develop to the point where my body is more robust, leaving behind my scrawny appearance.

But this is just beginning, because my skin is cleansed to the point where it looks like a baby's skin and when this golden light fades, my body has completely changed.

My physical appearance is more similar to that of a university core back than to a state library assistant.

My state unfolds again before my eyes.


Name: Maximus Warren.

Range: None.

Physical strength: [10]

Mystical Strength or Mana: [10]

Metal strength: [10]


The changes are evident in their numbers, to be more exact with my strength, each of my blows was much stronger and faster. Without any problem I pass as an amateur boxer.

Where each of my blows have an average of 100 to 110 kilos of force and even without any effort I can be considered a student athlete.

The next thing I notice is an immense space inside my mind with a mountain of gold coins so each coin weighs around 10 grams.

The 100,000 golden coins have a total weight of at least one ton of gold. with an average of 1700 dollars for each ounce which will be for every 3 coins.

The interesting thing is that I only had to think about the object or the quantity and they immediately appeared in my hands, now to save any object the only thing I had to do was touch these objects and think about storing them and they disappear.

I was playing inside my room for a couple of hours putting away and taking out different things. Among these things were the base of my bed, desk, computer closet and clothes in general.

At a certain point in the game I left my room completely empty, even the trash disappearing. This made it easier for me to clean it and after sweeping and mopping I returned the furniture and things to their previous place.

Minutes later he hears my mother's voice—"Max, it's time for dinner."—I'm usually a bad boy at home and shy at school.

When I was a teenager I always behaved rudely with my mother at home and even at parties and meetings, but in my heart I felt that it was time to change this and give it a radical change with a new approach to my life.

Because being attentive is not difficult and this is one of the factors that my uncle always played with any of the women he was with.

In the end he ends up fucking them.


But never against his will and over time I learned this, no matter how much I thought about it and it hurts me, it is like that.

Attention and a lot of sex

Where is the problem.

In my carelessness.

There's a solution

Of course there is and for this reason in mind he had died more than 5000 times.

After rethinking my attitude from now on. I respond to my mother with a deep voice. —"I'll be right down."— Something I had never done in my previous life.

I put on a white tank top and some white sweatpants and then head downstairs to dinner.

Nancy's face, my younger sister, along with Carla's face, my older sister, were quite a poem when she saw me go down the stairs.

The nervousness of both girls was visible from several meters away, even my mother having to give them a couple of ear tugs. — "Behave, behave, it's her brother, what the hell are you thinking?" — My mother warns out loud so that I can hear and also call out my two sisters for their flirtatious behavior.

They look like a couple of high school girls totally in love and watching their crush arrive.

Looking at where they are sitting, each of my sisters has different reactions. Nancy tries to cover her face over the book in front of her, while Carla puts one of her hair behind her ear and looks out of the corner of her eye at my reaction.

I look at Carla seconds after making this gesture and in response a smile appears on her lips, then she wets her lips with the tip of her tongue and turns to look at me discreetly.

When I get to the kitchen, I first greet my mother with a sweet kiss on her cheek. —"How are you, mom?"—I ask.

My mother opens her eyes in amazement and before answering she looks towards the dining room where my sisters see her with frowns.

In response to this, my mother distances herself by making some signs with her hands as if to say I have nothing to do with this.

So I have to save the hug for another time, I do this, I head towards the dining room where I first give Carla a kiss on her cheek, — "How are you" — I ask and without waiting for an answer, I greet Nancy. — "It's your task." — Followed by his kiss on her cheek.

Carla was left halfway through her response, while she stammered a little. For my part, I grab a chair and put it between the two girls.

After sitting down I hold Carla's hand and while I play with her fingers, I look closely at Nancy's book.

At this point something interesting happened, because I just looked at the mathematical problem a little. — "Oh, look, you've done this." — I tell her, while pointing out the steps she should follow.

The example is easy to follow, Nancy replicates my steps and moments later the mathematical operation was solved by herself, a big smile appeared on her face little by little until she screamed with excitement. — "I made it, I made it, Max made it." — Followed by her scream, he lunges and hugs me tightly.

—"We already know you did it, now let go of your brother and put away your books that are about to be eaten for dinner"—my mother says with a somewhat annoyed voice.

The four of us began to have dinner and between comments my mother gave several pieces of news, the first being that starting next Monday she would start working at a fashion agency and that my father would travel more often for her work.

Although I was aware of the future of each member of my family, my decision was to involve myself as little as possible and not obstruct his personal growth.

—"Starting tomorrow I'm going to practice so that you always leave the house with a full stomach."— I tell her, making my mother's face suddenly turn red and she begin to cough.

After coughing, my mother scolds me. —"What crazy thing you say, you stupid brat."— Both girls start to laugh, but without understanding the double meaning.

At the end of our dinner my sisters went up to their bedrooms, while my mother cleaned the kitchen. For my part, I go to the couch and turn on the television and put on the first romantic movie I see.

Minutes later my mother came over and she sat right next to me. -"What are you looking at."—

—"I don't know, but it seems like a good movie. You want to watch it with me."— I answer, moving around a little more on the couch. —"Sure, but you have to put it from the beginning."—my mother answers.

Two hours later the movie ended and everyone went to their bedroom to rest. I know that for many this means nothing, but my work, to gain the trust of my family, had begun since I came down the stairs.

Upon entering my bedroom I go straight to the computer and search for digital coins, finding packages of 10 coins for one dollar and immediately sending him a message (Let's do business.)

(What do you propose?)

I send an image of a gold coin with its specifications. (Virtual coins x gold)

( How many do you have. ? )

Instead of responding I send another image with a stack of coins. ( Many )

Minutes later I had closed my first purchase of 17,000 virtual coins with only three gold coins and two other purchases were pending for tomorrow.

Tonight I was thinking about helping my grandmother before or after losing her house. because each action has its respective variant.


To be continue...remember, if you like this story, consider adding it to your library, that helps me to know that you are liking the story and I will give it more priority. ¥ $ ₤ ₯ € ₨ ₩..

I AM BACK....☠️