My first steps

⭐Please, Take your time to read. ⭐

My days start at 6 am. preparing breakfast for my sisters and my mother, then I did some exercise and finally we all had breakfast together before going to school.

Sometimes my mother drops us off in front of the school before going to her work, other times the three of us leave together, but most days each of us leaves the house alone.

In the following days I managed to buy 10 packages with 17000 bitcoin bringing together a total of 170,000 bitcoin and I kept them in a cold wallet within my storage and they would not see the light of day for the next 4 years.

I also bought hundreds of thousands of lottery tickets, obviously not all of them will win, so I had to assume the cost due to the margin of error.

(Hey friend, I have another 5 packages on hand in case you need to buy more coins.) Shadow sends me a message.

(I recommend that you keep them for yourself in a couple of years, your family will thank me.) I respond.

(Well, you win, but if nothing happens in a few years, my whole family is going to curse your existence.) Shadow tells me.

(Enough of the jokes, it's time for business.)

(How boring you are, well, a package of 2 bank accounts, ID, social security and passport. It costs 10 gold coins. The package will be delivered to the usual address, after verifying the delivery of your payment. It is all right. )

(That's right.) I reply before adding. (By the way, if you have any stock on the stock market corresponding to websites or any type of company, sell it to your worst enemy and pay your mortgage before the end of the month.)

(wait, wait what you say) Shadow asks me.

I just wrinkle my face and close the page without answering anything else. and I look at my watch before looking out the window.

6:00 pm in the afternoon.

Friday, my father is about to get home.

At 6:10 pm Dad's car arrived, a 2005 black four-door sedan. He parks the car in front of the house.

By the way, at home we have a garage for two cars and a ramp that goes to the street where two other cars enter, because dad leaves his car outside of it,

I have no idea.

— "Family is here." — My father says and he enters the house, while he loosens his tie with one hand and in the other hand he has a metal briefcase.

He throws the keys from the car right next to the door and walks slowly towards the living room. My two sisters come out of their bedrooms almost at the same time, wearing long dresses that reach below their calves, hair completely tied up in a ponytail, closed low-heeled shoes.

Both girls smile and wave. —"Hello dad"—as they go down the stairs.

Arthur also smiles and greets his daughters. —"how are you girls"—

After greetings, the three only exchange a couple of hugs and begin a simple conversation.

This gave me enough time to get to the living room unnoticed to see his first reaction after seeing my appearance.

My father's smile freezes for 2 or 3 seconds when he sees me come out from behind my sisters.

This hardened the citrus bitterness on his lips, as he brought both hands to his waist as if he were ready to reprimand me.

Then my father raises both hands and says in amazement — "Wow, there you are champion" — so I salute in response and with the same enthusiasm.. — "how are you dad." — our talk lasts several minutes to catch up. .

—"I'll wait for your mother here in the living room, while I watch a little television"— he points to the sofa and adds. —"If any of you three like to watch the news, you are welcome."— The three of us shook our heads almost at the same time and concluded our welcome home.

On our return trip down the stairs the girls are ahead and I am two or three steps down. Suddenly Nancy lets out a snort. — "Ugh, I feel suffocated in this dress" — she grabs her dress by the sides and lifts it above her waist.

Shamelessly showing her creamy legs. —"What are you doing stupid?"—Questions my older sister.

—"It's hot Carla"— Nancy responds with a subtle laugh and adds —"You're not hot."—

—"Of course I'm hot in these dresses, but you know how dad gets when we wear something lighter."—

—"Well why not, lift up your dress or maybe you don't like Max looking at how your legs look."—

— "What are you saying, silly brat." — Carla replies and seconds later she also lifts her dress, showing her legs.

That's when Nancy calls me. — "Look, look, Max" — With that said, she grabs the back of Carla's dress and lifts it over her back.

Showing at first glance a round and creamy butt adorned by V-shaped panties.

The curious thing is that my sister Carla does not lower the dress from her back. She lunges at Nancy's dress to try to lift it and after a brief fight, Nancy's dress is also lifted.

Showing a smaller butt adorned with white panties.

Both girls begin to laugh out loud, while they continue lifting their dresses, and then quickly run to Carla's room where they slam the door.

—"What's happening?"—My father asks with a shout from the living room.

—"It's nothing dad, the girls are playing"— I answer and go to my bedroom.

In my other life for a long time I was asking myself a question: What was Mom doing with a guy like my father.

So that you understand me, Dad is not a good catch being as subjective as possible, My father is a car salesman with the body of Pedro Pascal and the face of Woody Alen.

He has a height of 1.75 or 1.80 (5.7 to 5.9 feet.) Approximately, wearing a gray, dark blue and black suit with a white shirt and his tie, most of the time.

On the other hand, mom has the body of Lisa Ann with a European face and appearance.

What do I mean by this: blue eyes, blonde hair and white skin. With a height of approximately 1.70 to 1.75 (5.5 to 5.7 feet), fitness body, large breasts, thin waist and wide hips with an even bigger butt.

But with a much broader range of suits for women, when it comes to going to work and at home he dresses much lighter, while my father takes off his suit only to sleep and the only sporty thing in his life are the shirts he wears weekends to go golfing or fishing.

This is another point.

When my father gets home he will greet everyone, sit in front of the TV for two or three hours until dinner arrives and then he will go to his study, stay there late into the night and then go to sleep andTo leave home early to play golf or fish depending on the weather.

When he comes home early, he locks himself in his study and we'll see him until breakfast the next day, but if he comes home late, Dad will be drunk and go straight to his bedroom.

Oh, this does not justify my uncle taking this opportunity of the classic fish served on a silver platter.

This is another topic related to my father's fetishes that he develops at my uncle's expense later on.

After rememberingmy father's daily life and his unique tastes.

I stayed in front of the computer spending some time playing my old games, sorry, the games of the moment.

Half an hour later.

I heard a couple of knocks on the door, I looked at the clock on the PC and frowned, it was too early for the turning point with my mother even I was 100% sure that mom is not home yet.

With this in mind I approach the door and ask. -"Who is it. ? "-

—"I'm me, stupid, open the door."—Nancy tells me.

When I open the door it, my sister Nancy is dressed in a sleeveless t-shirt and short shorts made of thin blue fabric, highlighting the white skin of her breasts and thighs.

— "For a moment I thought you wouldn't open." — She tells me and seeing the direction I'm looking. Nancy lifts her chest proudly highlighting her creamy breasts..

—"Not at all."— I respond and immediately add. — "What my beautiful little sister wants." — My response makes a smile bloom on Nancy's face that grew little by little while she subtly shakes her chest before my eyes.

— "At school they gave me some much more difficult math problems and I was thinking if you could help me." — 

Nancy tells me, while she plays with her fingers and looks down at her foot.

—"Oh."— I answer

While Nancy waves her hands and says. —"I don't want you to solve them, I just want you to advise me a little to understand them."—

—"Of course I'll help you."— I get ready to leave my room.

—"No, not now, mom is about to arrive and dad is home, Sunday afternoon is better." —

—"Oh sure."— I respond and immediately relax my body.

—"Well, I'll see you on Sunday afternoon then."—Nancy tells me but seeing my face with a frown, My beautiful little sister remembers that we live in the same house and we will be seeing each other at all times.

Nancy's face turns red and she immediately looks at the floor, then she turned around and ran down the hallway, when she reached her door, she opened it and slammed it shut.

He left me with a grimace on my face and I close my door, I still haven't reached the desk, when another pair of knocks are heard on my door.

—"Nancy, did you forget this time?"—I ask before opening.

After opening the door I got the second surprise. — "That was Nancy who slammed her door hard." — Carla tells me and she makes a face of... between curiosity and doubt.

— "Nothing special, the girl is just not good at math." — I answer without much interest, while I shrug my shoulders and points. —"But if you want."—

Carla immediately shakes her hands and tells me. —"No, no and no. She asked you for help, so you should help." —my sister affirms with her finger and adds —"I also need some help, you know, in two weeks the applications for admission to University. "-

-"Congratulations. "-

—"No, silly, you and your congratulations, my idea is to join as a cheerleader and avoid taking the entrance exam, so I very urgently need a special training plan." — At the end of her words my older sister snaps her fingers.

—"What about Vanessa, she entered college as a cheerleader, she can give you good tips to help."—

—"The older sister will come until the end of the semester, by that time it will be too late." —Carla answers me without taking so long.

Without more options according to me, because there are more options, but like an idiot I go and suggest them to you.

Furthermore, Carla's body has her grandmother's genes and with the passage of time her body will become even more beautiful than my mother and my aunts combined.

In short, even without doing that happy training, the cheerleader captain will look for her in a couple of months.

— "Well, you win, I'm inside." — I responded, causing a beautiful smile to appear on her face and I added. —"But we start early Monday."—

Carla nods her head vigorously several times like a chicken eating grain. —"Okay Max, now I have to go get several things ready."—And without saying goodbye, Carla turned around and took a couple of steps forward.

—"Wait,"— I tell him. I turn around to look for some tickets and from the wooden drawer next to my bed I take out a couple of lottery tickets. —"Here, use this pair of tickets."—

Looking at the tickets in my hand Carla makes a face like "what the fuck is that."

So I immediately explain. —"They are winning lottery tickets, with no expiration date, so you can claim the prizes at any supermarket or gas station."—

—"Like this, And how much money are we talking about, ?"—Carla asks me without much emotion.

— "They are prizes of 1,000 dollars each" — After hearing the amount, Carla's eyes widen in amazement and she immediately snatches the pair of tickets from me and asks. -"You have more of those."-

After listening, my sister breathes a little, when she is calmer, she clears her throat and tells me. — "If Nancy finds out, she'll look for some problems with our parents." — I just nod and go look for two more tickets and give them to her without any problem.

Now if my sister comes up with the wonderful idea of keeping those tickets and the money, that's another matter, but with Nancy you don't play games, especially if it involves money.

Because of that small detail, I give Carla my younger sister's lottery tickets with more confidence and if Carla wants to play with Nancy's greed, I'm sure she will regret it.

— "Hey Max, how many of these tickets do you have in your hands?" — My sister clears her throat and with a smile on her face she adds. —"It's just curiosity. "—

I remember a little, I knew the exact number of tickets with prizes of 1000 dollars and not only do I have those of 10, 100, 500, in addition to those of 1000 and 5000.

And about 20 out of 10,000 without counting the 5 out of 100,000. placed inside my storage.

—"I have enough to buy you some much sexier and more expensive panties."— I respond.

After listening, Carla she reconsiders her next question, she swallows a little saliva and tells me. —"About how many panties."—

—"A pair of panties if you ask me."— And with a big smile on my lips I add. —"But if you model them for me, they can be several hundred panties and not just panties, bags, dresses, shorts, skirts, leggings, I can even buy you a car and finance your university 100%." — my words surprise Carla.

Before proposing my deal, Mom's voice is heard in the living room. This wakes Carla up from her thoughts and she tells me. — "We will continue talking later."—

For my part, I don't respond, I just watch as Carla's butt staggers away with each of her steps towards Nancy's bedroom and after stopping right in front of the door, Carla returns to look at my door.

When Carla knocks on Nancy's door, I immediately close the door to my room. 

At this moment I needed to keep an eye on my mother and get things ready.

What things will you ask yourself.?

It didn't take long for both girls to leave the house to go cash in their lottery tickets and I was sure they would spend much of the night shopping.

They would return home very late and tired from walking so much.

— "But she is my mother and we must help her." — My father shouts.

—"Perhaps you don't have more brothers who can do that."— My mother answers with another shout.

Things had already started, it's just a matter of waiting.


To be continue...remember, if you like this story, consider adding it to your library, that helps me to know that you are liking the story and I will give it more priority. ¥ $ ₤ ₯ € ₨ ₩..

I AM BACK....☠️