First night

⭐Please, Take your time to read. ⭐

—"Fuck you."— Esther shouts angrily,

— "That's what you want. Well, that's what I'm going to do." — Her husband responded from the stairs and before finishing climbing she turned around and added. — "My mother will arrive tomorrow. to see if, you have the nerve to deny her entry and kick her out of this house."—

When I heard that last part 

I understood some mistreatment of me by my own family members, especially my mother and sisters, because the main culprit was me.

My grandmother left home after I kicked her out, but not only that.

Before I delve deeper into my memories, I hear several murmurs and hurried footsteps with the sound of flapping plastic bags.

When those noises pass in front of the door, I hear two different whispers, one is Nancy's unmistakable high-pitched voice next to Carla's voice exchanging some comments about my parents' fight.

And because of his comments, dad had gone to his bedroom, while mom is in the kitchen. For those drama fans this will be a brief summary, My mother is not against my grandmother coming to live with us,

What is her bother?

my father use money from his savings to save my grandmother's house.

That's how she hurts my mother, if it's all my father's savings. ?

In name they are, but in reality it is a savings that they have made together over several years and each one has a different idea about how and what to use that money for.

My mother's idea is to use that money to pay for Carla, myself, and Nancy's college.

My father's idea is to use that money for when he is retired.

You want to know what the final destination of the happy savings is. ?

To begin with, from my point of view, it is not a lot of money, it is between 35 thousand and 40 thousand dollars. My father took out all that money to pay the overdue mortgage on his grandmother's house.

Days later my father and my future stepmother went on vacation, paying for the entire trip with the mortgage money.

This was all last month. 

You can see the photos on social networks of my future stepmother, in the places they visited, hotels where they stayed, stores, restaurants, beaches and clubs.

Now, the bank account statement came home and my father has no money for the mortgage, much less for my older brothers' tuition.

Not to mention my other grandmother needs urgent surgery. so as not to lose her eyes. Of course my mother doesn't know, but in the following days she finds out about this.

Taking her anger towards my father to the next level.

At what moment do I appear? ?

While I'm thinking about what the right time was, you know, talking to my mother about it, waiting for grandma to get home or for my uncle to make his first appearance...

A voice belonging to my sister Nancy comes from behind the door. — "Max, dinner is already served, don't be late." — With that said, my sister didn't wait for a response and she left, I even heard her footsteps along the hallway.

Her call made me think a little about those old days, where I didn't even respond to my sister and went down to dinner very late.

This time I'm ready and it didn't take long, I put on a fitted white shirt and jean shorts.

Going down to the kitchen from the moment I entered the dining room, I felt a tense atmosphere with my sisters. They are both eating dinner in silence. Mom is not in sight but she has a bottle of whiskey open with a glass nearby on top of the drawer.

I didn't ask anything about the subject of my parents, I knew that my sisters wouldn't tell me much, besides knowing very little about the fight. —"Tell me, Nancy, did you buy something worth showing to your favorite brother." — Nancy doesn't answer me, she just nods several times before looking back at her dinner plate.

Before asking Carla, my mother enters the kitchen and goes to the drawer and while she pours a drink of Whiskey she tells us. — "Her grandmother Sofia will arrive in the next few days" — she drinks her drink of Whiskey and lets out a snort, then while pouring the next drink, my mother adds. —"Maybe he'll stay a few days, a week or a month, we still don't know exactly, I and his father also hope that they won't be rude to his grandmother."— After finishing talking, drinks his next drink...

In the story of my previous life, I asked, annoyed, where the hell he would stay, so my mother gave me the news and after the tantrum, I returned to my bedroom, annoyed.

—"Don't worry, mom, my brothers and I will try to be nice to grandma."— Carla tells her.

Nancy nods in confirmation several times and as if remembering something important, she asks us... "Where will grandma stay?"—After Nancy's question the whole place fell silent.

First my mom says a couple of random places. — "Maybe the attic or the basement" — Then she thinks a little more and adds. — "The living room is too cold for her grandmother, unless Max lets him stay in her bedroom." — The three women at the table turned to look at me with great hopes in their eyes.

Obviously I don't let things develop so, so easily.

First I remain silent, making all their hopes grow, I open my mouth, but even before making any kind of sound I close my mouth again.

It was funny to see how all their hopes light up the eyes of my mother and sisters, minutes later a lump forms in their throat and prevents them from making any kind of sound for fear of interrupting my ideas or thoughts.

—"Fine, I'll give my bedroom to grandma, but."—After accepting the handover of my bedroom, both my mother and my sisters celebrate to such an extent that they prevent me from continuing to speak with their screams.

When the three women calm down I can finally continue talking. — "First I will ask Grandma's permission if I can sleep next to her, if she I don't want to. I will clean the attic to stay the night." — That said, my bait is set.

Before finishing our dinner, Mom had three more drinks of whiskey and when we went up to our rooms, Mom stayed in the kitchen drinking another drink.

When I walk down the hall to my bedroom, Nancy is waiting for me by my door. — "Hey Max, if you want, you can stay the night with me" — The subtle smile on my sister Nancy's lips after her suggestion tells me everything.

—"Of course."— I respond and immediately add. —"First I'll ask grandma, if she refuses I'll ask you for help."—

—"You're right, first you have to ask grandma"—Nancy answers me, following the game since Carla our sister is close to us.

The moment she entered my bedroom I heard the door to my parents' bedroom open and Dad came out, walked to the stairs and went down to the living room.

It is very likely that he locks himself in his study and communicates with my uncle.

After closing the door I immediately took off all my clothes and left only a pair of thin boxers on.

15 minutes after my father went down to the first floor I heard someone open and close a door, it was very possible that that person was my mother.

As the big moment is approaching, first I close the window and draw the curtain, I turn off all the lights and even the PC and my cell phone. 

I put away any extra sheets, leaving only one in the middle of the bed to cover me from the cold, and I go to bed.

It was exactly 9.30 pm on the digital clock screen.

I just have to wait

And wait.

And keep waiting.

10, 11, 12 arrived

And exactly at 12:30 I hear a door open, but I don't hear it close, followed by some steps, at first those steps are heard, but meters later they fade away.

Seconds later the door to my bedroom opens and a voice asks me. —"Max, Max, you're asleep."—

It was my mother's voice, out of inertia I wanted to answer her question immediately. But I stayed silent and let out a sigh. —"Unnn"—Although the bedroom was all dark, I needed to look asleep.

When I respond I even squint my eyes. —"Tell me."—

—"I wanted to thank you for letting grandma stay in your bedroom, you don't know how important this means to me."— Before she continued speaking, I raised my head a little. —"don't worry about it,"— Laying back down and letting out another sigh.

Esther did not expect Max to continue sleeping so she would leave her gratitude for another time. 

She turned around and walked to the door, but before leaving the room she heard Artur's voice talking on the cell phone with his brother and his entire fight was narrated to him.

Esther put her hand on the doorknob. Before opening it, she thought for a moment. She looked back and when she saw Max comfortably asleep, an idea came to her mind.

Esther, instead of opening the door, locks the knob and to make sure that no one opens the door from the outside, she locks it.

—"Honey, today I'm going to sleep here with you."— With that said, Ester approaches the bed, in response Max moves a little towards the opposite edge of the bed.

— "You won't wear your pajamas." — Max asks and suddenly Ester stops and looks at her clothes.

Wearing pajamas would mean returning to her bedroom and seeing her husband's face, something Esther was not willing to endure.

— "No, tonight I won't wear pajamas, I don't think it'll be that hot." — * With that said Esther lies down next to Max, but her nervousness combined with the alcohol in her blood, Esther's body begins to to sweat

The heat increased minute by minute and Esther couldn't sleep, she tossed and turned in bed.

Suddenly she feels how Max's hands slide little by little and wrap around her waist. Then she pulls her body until she embraces her body completely, feeling something long and hard on her thigh.

Esther slides her hand along the side and after touching that protuberance a little she realized that it was not Max's knee.

Esther gets a little scared. —"Honey, can you let go of me, I'm hot and I'd better go take a shower"—not seeing a response from Max,

Esther begins to hit Max's shoulder, until she manages to let go of his body and immediately gets out of bed and after removing the locks on the door, the woman leaves the bedroom heading to the bathroom with her heart beating very quickly.

Upon entering the bathroom, Esther is much calmer and, as she is much more relaxed, she can think things through carefully. While she removes each of her clothes, an infinite number of sinful thoughts come to her mind regarding Max, her son.

The strange thing is that the woman does not feel any type of guilt and much less any type of prejudice when thinking about having sexual relations with her son.

Let's briefly say what the hell an inexperienced young man can do against a woman her age.

By removing all clothing on her body including bra and panties. Ester looks closely at her figure in the reflection of the mirror and she feels her skin crawl at the thought of Max's hands running over her skin.

Her nipples harden and when she brings her hands to hold both breasts, Esther involuntarily lets out a moan full of pleasure.

—"Ummm, God."—

A very simple idea is born in her mind.

It was possible to feel this kind of pleasure in Max's hands, a pleasure that even her own husband couldn't give her.

Esther immediately got under the shower and the cold water greatly calmed her lust, but her mind kept thinking about Max and all that pleasure she will feel with her hands, her mouth, her arms, her legs but above all his cock. .

Esther's body barely lasted a maximum of 5 minutes under her shower, cleaning all the areas that she needed to clean, especially the sweat from her skin and the heat from her crotch.

Although the effect of the alcohol had completely worn off, the lust she felt when thinking about Max and anticipating the actions he would perform with her body only increased any type of desire.

Leaving aside the fact that that boy is her son.

Esther dried her body with the clothes she had on hand, she put her bra and panties back on.

He opens the bathroom door and sticks his head out from the side, looking at the hallway in both directions before venturing out and running in silence as fast as he could until he reaches Max's bedroom door and without thinking he immediately enters the bedroom.

To enter

Ester was breathing hard and to calm down she let out a sigh and leaned her back against the door, while she put the lock on the door and the lock on the knob again.

Ester's gaze falls on the bed and with every step she took towards her, her hear accelerated again. When she gets to the bed the woman sees that Max was still asleep.

The woman takes off her bra, exposing her breasts to the open air and although she holds her panties on both sides, at the last moment she decides to leave them after looking at Max without any reaction.

It doesn't take Esther long to grab the sheet and lie down on the bed, while she does so she covers her body with the same sheet as Max.

And she lets out another sigh....

After seeing her mother go to bed and hearing her sigh, Max immediately slides his hands until he touches Esther's body. Then, without any rush, her fingers gradually gained ground.

With the tips of her fingers he slides them over her stomach, feeling the soft skin and even those fat pads accumulated on the edges of her waist 

Esther immediately reacts by letting out a snort and even moves her body a little.

Max laughs a little and seconds later Esther's laughter can also be heard, when her laughter stopped being heard. Max grabs the side of Esther's waist and begins to slowly pull towards her body.

Although the distance between the two bodies is minimal, Ester's breathing accelerates to the point that she has to let out some snorts.

—"Are you hot?"— Max's question to Esther came at the right moment, when the two bodies pressed against each other.

—"Yeah."— Esther responds, letting out another couple of snorts.

— "I'm hot too" — With that said, Max removes the sheet that covers part of her body and grabs her boxers and slides them until he removes them completely.

A clearer signal, impossible

Esther doesn't respond as she looks at what she did.

Max, after removing her boxers, throws them to the side, then approaches Esther and hugs her body, letting her hard cock hit her mother's belly. 

—"What, what are you doing."—

— "Take off what causes heat" — Having said this, Max, after approaching his mother, slides his hand around her waist and when Esther thought he would grab her panties.

Max's hand slides under the fabric and all over one of his buttocks.

Later that same buttock is grabbed forcefully and Esther's body is imprisoned again on Max's body.

Where the woman's breasts are compressed by the man's chest and without prior warning Max brings his lips close to Esther's lips.

Ester's reaction was to pounce on Max's lips, beginning the first passionate kiss.

It didn't take long for Max to slide his hands over Esther's breasts.

The woman's body trembles as she feels how her nipples are pressed and rubbed with a pair of fingers, releasing several moans in the process, while her hands surround Max's neck.

After the first kiss, there is a second and then a third and before starting with the fourth kiss.

Ester lets go of Max's neck and very skillfully removes her panties with one hand..

She lifts her torso off the bed and as she prepares to mount her legs on top of Max's waist.

Max stops Esther and with one hand pushes her shoulder, lying her body back on the bed.

With the same impulse Max grabs, holds and raises both hands above Esther's head.

while he kisses the woman's neck and slowly lowers her kisses along the skin of the chest.

Max releases the woman's hands and moves them to her breasts where she grabs, kneads and pinches each of her nipples before sucking on them.

Seconds later the pink flesh had a thin layer of saliva that made it shine in the low light of the night, but Max doesn't stop there.

Although he enjoys both breasts, he continued with the kisses passing through her abdomen and belly, when he reached her crotch.

Esther lets out a much louder and longer moan.

She feels how her intimate parts are sucked to such a point that with both hands she holds and presses hard Max's head, her own son's head on her vagina.

But the night is young and there is no school tomorrow.


To be continue...remember, if you like this story, consider adding it to your library, that helps me to know that you are liking the story and I will give it more priority. ¥ $ ₤ ₯ € ₨ ₩..

I AM BACK....☠️