Meeting the children

Rain walked in to the room after a brief hesitation. He wasn't excited.

The concubine's children all had at least a little interaction with each other. This would single him out as the son of Jing immediately and an outlier. Everybody who had any insecurity would take it out on him, even if he didn't do anything, it was instinctive to pick on the one who had the least status and the least chance of taking retribution.

They would assume he had the least talent among them due to his mother. Rain acted on the assumption they were wrong. Not because he knew his talent or anything like that, he just assumed that surely transmigrating had to have given him something. He refused to believe that he was here randomly. After all, apparently destiny was on his side. Or some shit like that.

So Rain opened the door, he chose to take the gamble that something would go right. He would trust in destiny, if only briefly. In truth, he hated the concept, but understood the inevitability if it stood true.

Before him stood several individuals. Some were conversing with one another and others were just minding their own business. All seemed to be within the same age range as him, the boys dressed in suits that complimented whatever hair color they possessed and the girls in dresses that, honestly, were a little too short for Rain, with a somewhat modern mind, to be comfortable with. However all, without exception, turned to look towards him when he opened the door.

A myriad of emotions flashed across their faces. A young stocky boy with brown hair, most notably, had an expression of severe disgust. He was flanked on two sides, by what Rain could only assume were lackeys. Rain recognized him immediately. He knew what his mother did to Jing all those years ago and he was not surprised to learn that he had a nasty, domineering personality to go along with it. The maids were great for tidbits like that.

Other emotions flashed on the others faces. For the girls it was mostly severe disdain as an immediate reaction, but it lessened mild disdain and curiosity after noticing his looks. For the boys, it was either disgust... and then more disgust or curiosity... and then disgust/jealousy. Rain was clearly leagues ahead in looks currently and this gap would only grow in the future. Honestly, Rain was worried he would be r*ped by the time he reached maturity. He was way too handsome for this Heaven.

For a second, everyone just stood there. Then they went on with their day. There was no use striking up a conversation with someone of a lower status than them. This was especially true for the girls. They figured his talent was low and, for the most part, strength was better than looks in the cultivation world. Without strength, beautiful women and handsome men would just be hunted and ravaged.

However, their was one who did not want to ignore Rain. His name was Mo Diyu. He had been informed by his mother to interfere with him, but he would have done so anyways as he was jealous of his looks, though he would never say it out loud.

"Oi, you're Rain right?"

He shouted this rudely, but did not get the response he was hoping for.


Nothing else. A curt response that set the tone for the conversation. And what a tone it would be.

"You're the son of that bitch concubine, right?"

"I assume we are thinking of the same person when I say yes."

"W-what, so you admit she's a bitch."

"I just confirmed I was a child of a concubine, yes."

"How do you feel being the child of a talentless concubine."


"Fuck you. Respond differently."


The problem with the two of them was that Diyu cared too much and was trying to provoke him by insulting the people he assumed he cared about... and Rain gave zero fucks. He would admit to having some affection towards his mother and sister, but he would never lose control of his emotions because of it. Insults had no affect on him, they never had. Especially ones with little thought.

"Fuck, you're just the son a concubine and you think you can be snarky with me? I'll crush you."

Diyu moved to punch him... for legit no reason, but Rain just pointed towards the hall.

"Aren't you just the son of a concubine too? If you're insecure go talk to your bitch mother. We can insult people all we want, it makes no difference. Sit down. You can't do anything. It's about to begin."

Not missing the opportunity to insult him while also pointing out that he could do nothing about it, Rain moved to sit against the wall. He didn't go to the table or towards anyone else and just crossed his legs and puts his arms behind his head as he closed his eyes and waited. He wasn't here to make unnecessary enemies, but it would seem this adversary was inevitable so he didn't mind furthering the divide.

"Y-you fuck!!!!!-"

Diyu was about to have a breakdown when he registered the rest of Rain's words and realized he could do nothing. Making a scene at a royal gathering would only decrease his status and his chance with the princess and impress the prince. He wanted to put his best foot forward.

Why is he trying to get with the princess? Because nobody gives a fuck about incest in a cultivation world. Simple as that. It was the reason Rain's sister saw no problem with being a bro con and honestly Rain didn't care enough to try to enforce morals upon anyone. This was a world of cultivators and inner power and shit. Surely the biological problems with having incest could be offset. Thus, Rain had adjusted to not think it weird, though he wasn't attracted to his sister in any way, shape or form. She was 7, after all.

You may be wondering why Diyu only thought prince instead of princes. This was because nobody gave a fuck about the second prince. This was simply because the first prince was the one everyone had put their expectations on, and he had a physique. Unlike the others, he had shown himself already to be incredibly skilled at at least the sword, so their hopes were already verified. Plus, the first prince was considered the strong, silent, handsome, alpha male while the second was considered the arrogant young master. These assessments certainly held some truth.

The time was coming. Rain was going to find out what his strongest siblings and potentially biggest problems looked like. He only heard rumors before after all. He was also going to get a glimpse at his father and with that thought.

*Dong* *Dong* *Dong*

The bells rung and the gates were opened. The king and his immediate family would enter soon and they needed to be there to greet them.