"This is some bullshit!" Ishida Uryuu yelled as he threw another small capsule of condensed Reishi at the incoming tendrils, creating an explosion that made them back away for a second before they resumed their assault.
He was really glad that he had brought Gintōs with him, which was vexing as it was like being glad for Cain mocking him. One of the reasons he had brought these antiquated tools was to show him his own mastery of Quincy combat abilities that were considered to be outdated after all.
Though it wasn't nearly as vexing as the ability of his opponent. He knew that Zanpakutos could have a wide variety of abilities due to each being special to their own Shinigamis but he had never thought that there would be one that could just absorb spiritual energy.
Hell, if he hadn't had a Gintō near his hands to use when those tendrils had first caught him; then he would have been defeated already.
"Can you please stop running around so much? I don't want to keep using this power of mine any longer than I have to." His opponent said as he almost lazily walked towards him, not even a hint of concern on his face. "Honestly, if you keep running away like that I just might decide that taking you in alive isn't worth the effort."
"You should pay more attention to your surroundings." Ishida said with a glare as he shot an arrow, which the Shinigami didn't dodge as it was obviously not going to hit him but then his eyes widened as he realized that the trajectory of the arrow was towards Gintō he had dropped near where he was, making it explode.
"Guess it was too much to hope for that to have taken you out." He said with a frown as he jumped back in order to dodge another attack from the tendrils.
"…ll you.."
"What was that?" He asked before his eyes widened as the smoke cleared.
"I said, I'm going to kill you!" Revealing that the Shinigami's once straight and elegant hairstyle was now replaced by an Afro with singed ends.
Despite the seriousness of the situation and the fact that he was in the middle of a battle, Ishida's hand immediately clamped on his mouth as he tried to suppress his laughter. The comical sight of the arrogant Shinigami that had talked so much about beauty sporting such a comical hairstyle being too much for his self control.
Which almost costed him his life as the tendrils attacked once more, this time with enough force to drill into the ground beneath him. Immediately using Hirenkyaku in order to get away, he started shooting arrows; none of which managed to get through the tendrils protecting the now murderous Shinigami.
"I am going to rip out your sinews and then strangle you with them!" And he seemed to be getting even more murderous.
"How about you don't." But before he could act on his threat, he had to dodge a fist covered in flames. Reinforcement was here.
While a logical part of Ishida knew that he should be glad for Tatsuki coming to help, a more prideful part of him couldn't help but feel ticked since that meant that she had defeated her opponent before him.
"How are you here?" A fact that the Shinigami did not seem to be taking well going by his tensed shoulders and low voice. "How did you get pass Ikkaku?!"
"I beat the crap out of him and then head-butted him. You might want to check up on him before his wounds get worse." She said with a shrug as she pointed back with her thumb.
For a moment, Yumichika looked like he was about to just try to kill her and Orihime. But then he simply disappeared with a Shunpo, going to where his injured friend was.
"I almost had him." Ishida said as he pushed his glasses up, which made Tatsuki snort.
"Sure you were. Let's get out of here before that guy gets to his bald friend and realize he's not injured at all."
"Not injured? How?" There was no way he had just let her go without a fight, right?
"You can thank her." Tatsuki said with a frown as she pointed at Orihime, who was looking away from them and whistling. "She said that something bad might happen if we let him on the ground all injured."
"Inoue-san." Ishida said with a frown, which only made the orange haired girl whistle louder and fully turn her back to them. "You can't just keep feeling bad for our enemies like this, it will..." His words were cut short as a huge pressure appeared and they all turned to the same direction with wide eyes.
"Is that..."
"Cain." Tatsuki said with sweat going down her temple. "He must be fighting one of the captains."
That felt obvious to Ishida, there was no way someone who could throw around this kind of power could be anything other than the strongest of Shinigamis. He just hadn't realized that the difference was this big.
Did the other Quincies had to fight beings like this two hundred years ago? He could not even properly imagine such a battle. Another thing he couldn't imagine was how Cain had claimed that there was at least one Shinigami that would destroy him. If Cain was this strong... how strong was the captain commander of the Shinigamis?
"We have to go." Tatsuki's voice roused him from his thoughts. She looked uncomfortable but she was still pulling him and Orihime. "We just have to trust Cain. I'm sure he'll be fine."
This was not fine. This was not fine at all!
"We've finally met, Cain Walter... my son born in darkness."
Seriously, how exactly did my little adventure in first arc ended up with me in the lair of the final villain?!
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