1. Leviathan e Skyggedrage

"So, during the many years of war, Leviathan was on our side. He managed not only to protect the nine kingdoms, but also to wound many of our enemies. Unfortunately, he sacrificed himself to help me survive.

He was not only an extraordinary warrior, but also a good friend to all the gods. He helped in the defeat of the Greek Titans, in the first Ragnarok, in the Egyptian wars, and in many others.

He was the great protector of Yggdrasil, saving us countless times from our worst enemies, the Beyonders. So whenever you're in trouble, think about how he would get out of it," he thinks better.

"Better not, he gets out of most problems by launching an umbra cannon as he called it. HAHAHAHAHAHA." he pokes fun at the memories, while the children have bright eyes. Until a beautiful, angelic woman calls out to them.

"Thor, Loki, are you still listening to your father's stories? I hope it's not Levi's mischief again." she looks at her husband with a serious look.

"It was about him, yes, but about our battles. I didn't tell the children that before we were married he stole their underwear..." he notices that he has missed something and quickly puts his hands to his mouth.

"Hunf. If he wasn't like that, I would have married him and not you. We know he did that on purpose, since he knew his fate." she says with a bit of regret and a feigned anger.

"Why was his name Leviathan? Shouldn't it be a Norse name?" the curious Loki asks his mother.

"Well, his name was given by the ancient Greeks, for he who ended the madness the Gods were going through. So we took over as protectors of the nine realms in his place.

Since we wanted him to represent us as well, he was given the name Skyggedrage, which we have come to call just Drage." Says Frigga to Loki.

"Tell me father, how did he do that? I mean, how did he fight? What were his skills?" an excited Thor stirs.

"Your father only knows the most commonly used battle skills, but I know them all, too bad no one can reproduce them, even with magic. He can transform into any kind of creature, Summon any creature from the shadows, he can bless and purify anyone, even your father.

When we got married, it was his blessing that let me be a mother for the first time. He can create illusions in people that would drive them crazy, and he can also heal any kind of injuries, as well as bring the dead back to life.

That's why he died, helping his father. When they were fighting the Celestials, his father was severely injured, but still managed to drive the Celestials out. Levi was in a pitiful state, but alive. So, seeing his father's condition, he used what was left of his strength to keep his father alive until we arrived.

Unfortunately he was already gone, and we couldn't help, since then his father adopted Hugin and Munin to help search for his essence and bring him back to life. Too bad we never succeeded.

Anyway, time for the three of us to go to bed. Come on, tomorrow you little ones have classes and training and your father has Asgard to rule," she puts the children Thor and Loki to bed and leaves with her husband.


"So Ares drove most of the Gods mad, seeking to cause the greatest war ever seen on Olympus. What he didn't expect was that Skyggedrage, the great Ragnarok would bother to come and take him down.

He did what he did only to protect humanity, as he promised. He then, unable to free the Olympian Gods from Ares' madness, due to the massacre the Gods committed, he killed them all, as tears streamed down his face.

He cried because his great love, Hestia the goddess of home and sacred fire, was in her last moments, when lucidity returned to her. She desperately asked him to kill her brothers, but not to devour their deities, so that in the future, they could recover.

Even though she was about to die, she still thought about protecting her family, forgiving even Ares. Then, as he watched his beloved die in his arms, he turned into the one being that would put fear into Ares, or anyone else, he became a gigantic Shadow Leviathan.

In his state of devastating rage, he left no god or demigod alive. All that mattered to him was to clean up all the madness and despair that Ares had created. He made sure to leave Ares last, so that he would suffer not only the pain of defeat, which is the worst enemy for him.

But for him to witness that even by doing all that, his dream of ruling would never come true. So, after pouring all his anger and frustration into Ares, he devoured three quarters of his divinity, weakening the God to such an extent that afterwards with just one punch from an ordinary human, he was defeated.

Not satisfied, he asked an ordinary old man to kill Ares, without any kind of power or divinity, only that he kill the flesh in which Ares resided. The old man followed his request and killed Ares. Then our Amazon sorceresses imprisoned his deity and we await the rebirth of the Gods." she ends the story for the girl lying on the bed.

"But mother, where did Skyggedrage go and why does he have that name? Shouldn't it be a Greek name" the curious little girl asks.

"He was named that way by the now called Norwegians. In the old days they were known as Norse, they introduced the name after the first Ragnarok, long before the rise of the Titans. They worshipped Skyggedrage for his benevolence and care for the good people.

By us, he is known as Leviathan, the greatest protector, the judge, the wrath of benevolence and the will of the Creator.

When the Titans decided to take over the world, he helped and taught Zeus how to fight, as well as after Zeus freed his brothers, he taught them as well. That's when he fell in love with Hestia, but Zeus the fool, 'and at that moment lightning pierces the heavens,' decided not to allow the marriage.

He did this for fear of being dethroned by their child. After all, the child would have the birthright, second only to Hades, who did not want to rule anything. He only accepted to be the Emperor of the underworld for the protection of us humans.

Unfortunately, if it were not for Zeus, Skyggedrage would still be with us, protecting us. The first time we saw him, he appeared to Athena in the form of a black owl. Since then, Athena has chosen the owl as her symbol."

"Mom, where did Skydrage go? Why don't we see him anymore?" the curiosity still making itself stronger than the little girl.

"Diana, Skyggedrage, and if he were with us today, he would make you call him Drage. He was a powerful, but simple existence. He hated all pomp and preferred to be among the people.

He gave up living after seeing his beloved die, blessing his divinity so that she would never be in danger again. That is why she disappeared, many believe she decided to wander the universe looking for him.

He gave his life, so that when Hestia was reborn, she would always know that he would be with her, protecting her. That's why all Olympians respect and fear her, because they don't know what powers she gained from him." she kisses her daughter's forehead.

"Now go to sleep curious little girl, tomorrow you have training and I an island to rule. Good night Diana, daughter of Zeus and Hippolyta, child blessed by Hestia. Princess of the Amazons." the mother sings praises, every night is like this.


Now three children dream of a gigantic Shadow Leviathan, taking them on rides and telling stories.