2. Time for Rebirth

"How was it son, your well-deserved rest?"

(Image of God) imagine yours.

"It was great Dad. Living as a human is fun. Too bad I had the human problems too, but it showed me how good they can be with each other and also a complete scum in the same proportion." I reply with a smile.

(Image MC ) imagine as you will.

"Unfortunately I need you once again son. Although you no longer have all your powers, you are still strong enough for this. Trouble from all sides is coming into your multiverse. It is time for you to reappear." Father informs him.

"I knew this day would come, I have no problem with it. I just want to know how Hestia is doing?" I am curious about her.

"Well, let me explain about that. She decided to become an abstract being, so she can protect humanity as you would have done, so to others she is looking for you, but to us, she no longer exists now.

She did this for you, son. So don't feel lost or sad, she used her blessing and passed it on to a very good child. Actually, to some very good children. Then she decided to rest, as you did, but in a different way," he explains calmly.

"I understand Father, I made her suffer too much for the time I disappeared. That's why I didn't come back, out of shame and contempt for myself. But I have learned as a human that we will all make mistakes, the only thing we can do is accept those mistakes and move on." I say to calm the old man.

"Very good son. I knew you would understand. Now unfortunately I believe it is time for you to go back. I can help you make a triumphal entrance or a modest one. Which do you prefer?" he asks excitedly.

"I will enter modestly, Father. I don't have all the power I used to have, so I would probably be killed by any human with a revolver by the time I finish. He joins me in laughter.

"I understand son. But you know that everyone will know of your certain return. And the mad titan doesn't care. He already imagines your return and doesn't care. Apparently he has a plan for you too in case you are there." he warns me worriedly.

"Don't worry, Dad. We'll manage," I wink at him.

Then I take the form of my favorite game character, Noob Saibot, and open a portal.

(Image: Noob Saibot mode)

'He's still the same. Always hiding' God shakes his head and goes back to his business.


NY is under alien attack, and its greatest defenders at the moment come together to defend it. They form an iconic circle seen in the movies that portray them, and are surprised to see, not a giant creature coming out of a portal in the sky, but a humanoid creature in strange costumes coming out of the shadows.

"Damn, here comes another Leviathan," Tony complains.

"I just got here, don't complain. It's none of my business. I just came to help." I tell him turning to him.

"Buddy, he was talking about that." Clint points to the chitauri leviathan.

"Oops, my bad." I place my hand on the back of my head, awkwardly. I kind of get it." Wait, is that thing called a Leviathan? Look at the audacity of these sons of bitches," I curse indignantly.

"Language." I hear from Steve Rogers, I just shake my head at that.

"I'll fix the problem, you go after the causer, do you know where he is?" I play dumb, after all, I just arrived, I shouldn't know anything for sure.

"My brother's fault. Loki, he is on top of that building. We need to go to him and get the scepter, so we can close the portal." Thor tells me.

"We need Clint on top of a building, where he can check the perimeter and inform us of the stragglers, as well as provide assistance. Thor, you and Stark do as much damage to the fliers as you can, Natasha and I will be in aid of the people. Hulk, crush."

Steve passes the plan to everyone, but he seems to have forgotten about me.

"Well, can someone let me know when they have a way to close the portal? I can help with aiding the injured in the meantime." I tell them and Tony hands me a cell phone.

"It's on the call, we can all hear you." he informs.

"Ok, I'll kill the invaders on the way along with the blue doll and the beautiful redhead."

Tony then gives Clint a ride, Thor goes to the top of the Empire States summon lightning and Hulk starts jumping from side to side, crushing the chitauris.

I create two shadow daggers and together with Natasha and Steve, we start clearing the area. Natasha asks Steve for momentum, who throws her and she hitches a ride on the chitauri.

Then everything develops evenly until I hear Natasha informing me that she can close the portal.

"Wait a minute redhead, I'm going to eliminate the command ship and you close the portal."

I transform into a gigantic and wonderful Leviathan, I feel as if I am freed from all the evils and longing that plagued me. Then I open my mouth towards the portal and launch my umbra cannon, which goes through the portal and destroys the ships in its path, causing the chitauris to shut down.

"A nuclear missile is coming towards us, wait for me to take it out and we can shut it down." Stark warns over the communicator.

"Don't worry Stark, just get the team to the culprit of this and let me handle the cleanup," I tell him telepathically, in fact, informing everyone all at once.

As I see everyone heading towards Stark's tower, I turn into a black mass and start 'swallowing' all the Chitauri and Leviathan bodies. When the nuclear bomb is about to touch the ground, it too is consumed.

Then all that black mass that covered a good chunk of NY, turns back into a humanoid dressed as a saibot noob and goes to the Stark tower.

I get there and they are in pose, I just watch as they arrest Loki, who looks at me with wide eyes, which makes me shrug.

Then as they are getting ready, I notice that there are two extra people in the room. I just make the shadows hide us.

"Be quick, but tell me, do you guys know me?" I look at another Tony and a Scott Lang on his shoulder.

"Actually yes. But you didn't show up when we were fighting, and not even after that...." he was about to continue talking when I interrupted him.

"Careful. I don't want to know what happened or what's going to happen. I kind of know why I didn't show up, so don't worry. Just know that if you guys are here, I probably won. But who knows, it could also be that I was pretty lazy for a battle." I shrug.

"So are you guys going to take it or have you given up?" I ask pointing to the scepter and cube.

"We need to." replies Scott.

I just take the two jewels out and hand them to them, then they disappear and the jewels reappear in my hand again. I put them back and undo the umbra wall.