3. Revisiting the Little Girl

"Now that everything has been sorted out, can someone tell me what is going on?" it is very bad to pretend not to know anything.

"First of all, ninja, can you tell me who you are?" Tony takes the floor.

"Are you Nordic or Greek? Because depending on where, I have two different names. To the Greeks I am Leviathan and to the Norse..." I can't finish my words.

"See brother, the legend lives on. I am so excited." Thor cuts me off as he talks to Loki. He looks like a little girl in armor, jumping up and down at the sight of his favorite hero. I just stare in amusement.

"As I was saying, by the Norse over there, I'm known as Skyggedrage, or Drage if you prefer. Actually I prefer it, I hate long or compound names." I introduce myself to the group.

Thor quickly steps forward extending his hand, to greet me. "I am Thor, son of Odin, prince of Asgard and his biggest fan. The troublesome one is my brother Loki, son of Odin and also prince of Asgard. I am the God of Thunder and he is the God of Mischief.

He's a big fan too, but he'll hardly admit it..." then he keeps talking and talking.

"Calm down man, let's take it slow yes. I just woke up from my sleep, so take it easy." I calm the excited and anxious Thor. "You said they are Odin's children? So he survived? That's good. At least it wasn't in vain."

"My father has been asking Hugin and Munin to search the entire universe for you. Where have you been all this time?" Thor asks.

"Well, I went back to my resting place to recuperate. Unfortunately I could not say goodbye to anyone as my situation was desperate. I was barely able to heal your father." I explain to him, without saying a specific location.

"Can someone explain to the rest of the class please?" Tony asks.

"Well, I'll let the sons of Odin tell them stories. I need to go to other places. I'll meet you guys soon." I barely finish saying and am swallowed up by the shadows.


"So my friends, this is our Drage. Now you know how powerful he is. But let me warn you, the thing he hates most is lazy people, even though he himself is one. If you have a problem, solve it or at least try, otherwise he will never help." Thor finishes his account.

"Wait a minute, are you telling me that that ninja has already saved your father, killed the entire Greek pantheon, and now he's here?" Fury asks in disbelief.

"And whose fault is it for messing with forces you don't understand? Who was it that sent signals using the cube and brought my idiot brother to you?" an enraged Thor yells at Fury.

"Thor, please calm down. You don't have to try to destroy any more than you already have been in battle." Steve tries to calm Thor down.

"Your lucky he just got back and doesn't care what you call him. But if by some chance he is offended, I can only tell you that there will be no place for your souls to dwell. Listen to what I say." Thor gives one last warning.

"Okay, so we just need to respect this right Drage. No problem." Tony replies, in his usual nonchalant way.

"Stark, I don't think you understand the severity of the problem. If by some chance Drage were to become enraged, he would be able to destroy this planet and all nine realms in the blink of an eye. Neither Asgard, nor Earth, has the power to stop him." Thor informs once again.

"Don't you have anything that can stop him?" Fury asks for reassurance.

"Well, I think there is. There must be. I think only my parents would know that. Or the Elder." Thor replies.

"Then I will contact her. She can help us with that." Fury says.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, do you think she would betray the greatest benefactor and protector of the universe because you asked her to? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, human stupidity amuses me. Good luck." an amused Thor mocks him.

"I will be taking Loki back, if I can and you need help, ask Heimdall and he will let me know. But if it's at the behest of the guy over there, don't even think of me." he points to Fury.


I show up at the NY Sanctum, where a battle-ready Nepalese guy looks at me.

"Hello friend, is this where Agamotto lives?" I ask, which makes the guy look at me strangely.

"Old Master Agamotto is long gone, going to the higher plane, now it is the Ancient One who is our Sorcerer Supreme." he informs me.

"Call the little girl please, it's been a long time since I've seen her." I say excitedly.

"No need, I am here. And who would you be to call me little girl?" the Elder appears looking at me strangely, clearly she knows who I am, but she still feels weird about something.

"Don't worry child, I don't think badly of you for that." I tell her pointing to my forehead. To which she realizes what I am talking about and just nods.

"Long time no see, Master Drage, or do you prefer I call you like I used to?" she asks me with a smile, which leaves her friend feeling awkward. "This is Master Wong, the protector of this Sanctum and a good friend." she introduces the Nepalese.

"I know who he is little girl, now I challenge you to call me like you used to." I greet Wong as I tell her.

"She comes over to me and gives me a hug. Welcome back Master Scaly." she says amused, while I laugh in knowing that I am still remembered on this earth.

"You always called me that, even though I have plates and not scales." I remind her of that detail, to which she just gives an 'Oh'.

Don't worry, it's just a joke from us.

"I hope you have improved your tea technique, for I have been sleeping for quite some time." I tell her as she leads me to a more central area of the Sanctum.

We snuggle on some fluffy cushions, and catch up on our conversation, while getting to know Wong as well.

She told me about the increase of dark activities and that due to the small number of masters of the mystic arts, they cannot control them all. So they are focusing only on the most serious cases and the smaller ones when they have time.

I offer to help, since it is one of my duties as a child of God anyway. So, I will stay as Master Wong's assistant, here in the sanctum, which made him very uncomfortable, since from what he understood about me, I am the master of his master, which makes no sense to him.