5. Old Friends

"I accept. I want to know the truth that Charles has kept from me for so long." Jean replies after calming down.

"It can be painful Jean. Sometimes we need to forget something or get over it to move on." I tell her, preparing her for what may be a more difficult reality to bear.

I don't know how her parents treated her when they discovered her powers, so I don't know what she went through and what Charles tried to hide to protect and what he hid to control her.

"It doesn't matter, I'll get over it." She says confidently.

"Okay, we need to go somewhere else. My dear friend is not known for controlling herself, and I don't know how frustrated and angry she can be. Will you accompany me to the desert?" I hold out my hand for her to take.

"We're coming too." Wonderboy says, not letting go of Jean's hand. "I don't trust you." He informs me as if I care.

"I really don't give a shit what you think or don't think, kid. I don't like him, even in the comics, movies, or wherever. Judge me. "Anyone else want to go?"

Logan, Ororo, and Charles join in.

"Just put your hands on Jean's shoulders, I'll take us there."

"We can fly too you know." Ororo says.

I just smile. "Who says we will fly." I hold Jean's hands and we disappear.


When we arrive in the desert, I just warn them.

"I hope you guys will stay away, it will be hard even for me to bear the energy emanating from her when I release her. But not just two steps, stay away."

Everyone moves as far away as they want, staying no more than 50 meters away. I just shake my head, 'Ignorance is a gift.'

"Jean, I will transmit my power to you. Use your feelings of love and calm to break through the imposed barriers. Let all your anger and resentment come out in the form of power. I will protect your friends. Be calm, just let go."

I shift position, standing with my back to the others as I transfer some of my divine aura to her. Then a gigantic explosion of fire happens, as Jean emanates all the power of the Phoenix at once. Jean's and her voices blend together, which seems to be a mixture of relief and realization.

Unfortunately a certain idiot didn't realize this. Then without thinking of the consequences, he unleashes an optical blast at my back. While I have to endure all the cosmic power of the Phoenix in order not to hit them, the asshole tries to hurt me.

I just waggle a finger, toward him, and the asshole faints. Logan just laughs and continues smoking his cigar, Ororo barely cares about the boy and Charles is the only one who tries to help him.

A portal opens and the Elder appears, she sees what is happening, approaches the x-four and creates a barrier, while I, seeing her help, don't worry anymore and can concentrate only on Jean.

My clothes and skin begin to disappear, as well as muscles and fat, so I become just a skeleton standing upright. But the good part is that the release occurred well, and if I wasn't so weak, I wouldn't go through this embarrassment.

"Long time no see, fried chicken," I say as my body recovers.

"I say the same thing shadow worm," she retorts. Then we both burst out laughing. She hugs me and I hug her back.

We stay like this for a good two minutes. We fight many times together against beings I don't even want to comment on, but I have a feeling something will happen soon.

"I think that's enough, some girls might get jealous you know." the Elder says as she approaches us.

"I will hug as many girls as it takes to make them feel happy." I say with my hands on my waist as I stew my chest.

"I just hope not in public and wearing preferential clothing." Ororo shoots back. "Not that it's not a pretty sight but, some people might be uncomfortable with your swing." she points to my boy.

I look down and understand what she means. I was almost depleted of power, so only my body regenerated due to the natural regeneration I have, but the clothes, which were magical, did not come back.

I use what little magic I have to conjure up new clothes, so we sit down and start talking. Ororo, the Elder, Phoenix and Logan. Charles just listened while he took care of Scott.

"Hey chicken, I think I have an idea that might interest you, and it will greatly help not only me, but also your hostess." I tell her, as I regain my power.

"Say worm, what is it? If it's one of your stupid ideas I will set your ass on fire." she scolds me.

"Stop being like that, we are friends aren't we? I would never do anything to hurt you," I try to calm her down.

"Yes, I remember, like the time you made me steal Lady Death's underwear and she chased me for 200 years. You'd never really harm me," she snorts.

"Well, I wasn't to blame for that one, it was because you meddled in the bet between me and Oblivion. speaking of the devil, where did he go?" I asked curiously.

"He fell into oblivion, he rarely shows up for dates, I think he forgot even that." she laughs at her own joke.

"Miss you. Anyway, my idea is to let you have another avatar, that avatar would be a very smart and strong warrior, where you could allocate most of her power for her to physically work on destroying the dead planets and you to help me in future fights. And yes, we will have future combats, soon I must say."

"Okay, but you know that if I do that, she can't be my right avatar, only my champion. And I will only do that on one condition, that you take care of the girl." Phoenix tells me would be.

"And which girl?" I ask curious.

"Jean. I will leave her with my power and my essence, while I share my duties with my champion, you need to train Jean so she does not succumb to the power." she explains.

"Better yet, this problem will be solved without you noticing, because where you will meet your champion, is where I thought of training Jean, she will be safe in Frigga's hands." I explain the plan.

"Agreed." and so that problem was solved.

Then the Elder opens a portal back to the Xavier school, where Ororo asks if she could go along, to learn how to manipulate her power better, and Logan helps her. I don't see a problem with that, so I accept.

"Little girl, can you open a portal to Asgard please?" I stroke the Elder's hair, which is bright blonde. "You look beautiful like that, I bet you've been out making out and running into countless cheap shots." I laugh at the unsatisfied face she made.

"It just caused me regret, I didn't know men put up with so little in art." she complains.

"Know that it's not everyone, many men could satiate you, you just haven't found the right guy. But you will find him soon, be patient," I advise.

"Okay, now go away." she opens the portal and I see the Bifrost being rebuilt.

We pass through the portal, and I admire the beauty that Asgard has become. But I found it a little too much for being a golden city. Egos, how to fight them.