6. Old Idiot

We walk through the city, meeting several looks of curiosity and suspicion, when Heimdall appears with some soldiers and Thor at his side.

"Welcome to Asgard, please accompany us to the palace." he says, while Thor just accompanies us looking at the girls curiously.

Then we enter the palace, where Odin is with his weapon, sitting imposing on his throne, giving that air of invincibility, while standing beside him is a beautiful woman with an angelic face, soft features but which command respect for her appearance.

They open a smile at the sight of me, since they are Gods in their own right, so they can see me in the real way. We stop a few meters away from them. I could not resist.

"Who is the old man?" I asked feigning confusion. Odin made a face of displeasure, Frigga laughs openly, Phoenix still controlling Jean can't stand and Ororo is in a deadlock between laughing and apologizing. Thor, Heimdall and all the soldiers are frowning.

"I don't know why I even bothered with this overgrown lizard. He can't even respect me when he sees me. The whole act thrown away." he sighs, which leaves Thor and his group even more amazed.

"I warned you this would happen, even though I've gotten older, I still think you're hot." Frigga tells her husband.

"Wait, call the FBI, the old man seduced the girl over there with black magic. Someone please take the girl to safety while I hit the old pervert's ass!" I yell, as I shorten the sleeves of my clothes, as if I'm going to get into a fight.

Frigga can't take it and laughs uncontrollably, losing all that stately queenly pose. Odin gets angry, which causes Thor and the others to panic, while Phoenix and Ororo can't take it anymore and lose their composure, laughing.

Frigga just walks up to me and hugs me, with tears of laughter and longing mingling, which I return. "You haven't changed a bit since last time," she tells me with a smile.

"As for you, I can't say the same, you look even more beautiful than you did back then, how did you do that? Aloe cream?" I ask as I caress her face.

"You fucking lizard, you come to my palace, insult me and still have the nerve to praise and give hugs to my wife." he comes down from the throne, now emanating an extremely angry face and coming towards me.

"Stop the show and come give me a hug too, you old fool," I open my arms to him.

He just sighs, leaves his gun standing, and hugs me. "We miss you my friend. We really do." he says. Thor grins like a fool to see his father acting like this, after all, after he turned 500, his father was always pushing him to improve.

"I know man, too bad I won't be able to stay long," I sigh looking at him and Frigga, "I came to ask your permission to take one of your warriors with me, I have a mission for her and if she agrees, she will need to train in order to accomplish everything."

I look at Frigga. "I wanted to ask you to train these two girls, one is a champion of Gaia and the other well, she will have the essence of a burning chicken as her host." and with that, she sets my ass on fire.

As I put out the flames, which I could only do because she let me, Odin asks me curious. "Who is the warrior my friend, and why the short time with us?"

"Well, the warrior is Sif, her mission I will explain when she arrives, and as for mine, it is to prepare us for what is to come. And you can bet, it will be heavy trouble." I tell him, and seeing the seriousness of my words, he quickly turns serious.

"Go summon Lady Sif, and ask her to come prepared, she needs to be cool-headed for what is to come." Odin says to one of the guards who rushes off.

"Changing the subject from berimbau to harmonica, Where is your first child? I don't believe they are the two boys I met on Midgard." I ask Odin.

"This, my friend, is a delicate matter, but now that you are here, you can help us.

Then we started to talk about trivia and memories, which made Ororo and Thor surprised and excited about the stories, Phoenix was sitting with her eyes closed, I think talking and explaining to Jean what we were going to do.

Lady Sif arrives, and seeing the atmosphere quiet and at peace, she makes her way to the front of Odin and Frigga, "Father of all called me?" she kneels in front of them.

I make a disgusted face at the situation, which doesn't escape anyone's eyes, but only Odin and Frigga understand, the others think I have a problem with the girl.

"Stand up Sif, my friend here has a mission, and he thinks you can help, listen to him and decide whether to accept or not." says Frigga, which takes Sif by surprise.

"Lady Sif, I am Skyggedrage, but I prefer you to call me Drage" I hear an "Oh My God" coming from her.

"No, that's my father, but that's not important right now. I talked to my friend here and she wanted to know if you accept to be her champion, but before she accepts, she wants to talk to you privately, to explain the mission and get to know you. Is that okay with you?"

"Sure." she is still frozen and not believing the situation.

"I really hate this, what kind of things have you told people?" I ask Frigga and Odin indignantly, who just watched their faces hiss. I just sigh helplessly. "Frigga, can you accompany the girls? Your wisdom will be of great help to them." I ask her.

"Of course. Come on girls, let's knit." she smiles and walks off taking the girls, which sends shivers through me, Thor Heimdall and Odin.

"Was it just me or did you guys have a premonition about this?" they just confirm with their heads.

"Well now tell me, about the child with my blessing, what happened?" I asked looking into Odin's eyes.

"To make a long story short, I made too many mistakes with the girl, I turned her into a monster that only wants blood and destruction, so with no other choice, I locked her in Helheim, where she would be the ruler, but what I didn't imagine is that this would anger her even more, so I asked Yggdrasil to close the access, preventing her from going anywhere." he answers sad and helpless.

"You have made the same mistakes as Zeus, I thought you were a God of wisdom, but I see you are not. You are just an old fool who lost his self-respect for fear of losing a chair, just like Zeus." I stand up. "I'm going to rest and recover, when I come back, I'll solve this problem for you."

Then I disappear into the shadows.