7. Hella

Two days later I return to the Asgard palace.

Lady Sif has accepted the job, being the champion of Phoenix, with Frigga now teaching the girls how to control the power they have. Thor stands back and forth.

"What happened boy, why are you restless?" I ask him.

"Finally you showed up, let's fight." he tells me as he approaches me.

"May I know why?" I am curious now.

"My father said that my sister is stronger than me, reaching almost the same level as him. So I want to fight someone strong, to improve myself." he explains his twisted half-truth theory.

"The problem is not your fighting experience boy. He wants you to understand your divinity. You just know how to walk around, depending on the hammer for everything, without considering yourself. No wonder I refuse to believe that you are the God of Thunder, but the God of the Hammer.

You got used to the crutch you use, and didn't train without it. That's why your sister would beat you. Fighting me will only make you give up on getting better." I explain the basics to him.

"Then teach me. How do I access my powers without Mjolnir?" he sits frustrated in a corner.

"You can start by not using it anymore, and access your domain on your own. But you must first accept yourself without Mjolnir, and then accept your divinity. Only then can you have the power by right," I sit down next to him. "When you want to learn a fight, ask your mother, she's a better fighter than your father," I tap him on the shoulder. "Where is he?"

"In the throne room."

I leave him there, wondering whatever it is and go to meet Odin.

"Old man, I came to warn you that I am going to find your daughter. Be a good old man, have some soup and I'll be back soon. See you later." without giving him a chance to say anything, I disappear into the shadows and reappear in Norway.

"My dear Yggdrasil, beloved by all, can you clear a path to Helheim please?"

Plants sprout from the ground, and become trees, which intertwine and a portal opens.

"Thank you beloved Yggdrasil, when you solve this problem in Hell come talk to me yes. I know something is going on with you."

Stepping through the portal I am greeted by a rain of black swords and see a beautiful but troubled woman with a crazed expression attacking me.

I dodge her attacks as I see Yggdrasil close the portal behind me. The woman lets out an enraged scream and attacks me harder.

She attacks me with punches and kicks, summoning and throwing swords, while as she gets closer, she tries to cut me down.

I just dodge as much as I can and defend the more complicated ones, while no power is used by either party.

I sense emanating from the black crown she wears, an evil and sickly energy, so I just focus on finding an opening to destroy it.

We are exchanging punches and kicks, my conditioning is not what it once was, but the experience of battle is not easily lost, which saved me in this circumstance.

I can say with all certainty, she is almost as strong as Odin in his prime, this in matters of combat, apparently her magic has been sealed, or dried up. Well, I guess neither.

She conjures a highly dangerous greenish fire in her hands and starts to throw it at me, I dodge the projectiles as best I can, creating shields or just jumping from side to side like a monkey.

When I can get closer, and see that her gaze has become even more manic than I thought possible, with a palpable madness, and conjuring something that would resonate even with her, I can only sacrifice my left arm, which touches her head and attacks the evil energy.

My sacred energy, combining purification and holiness, makes her let out a scream that would give anyone a chill. It is as if she is suffering from a terrible headache, the kind that hurts so much that you think about hitting your head on something hard to lose consciousness.

I see a black goo oozing out of her, which separates itself from her body and tries to get away somehow. As she passes out, the goo tries to find a place to hide, but I just reach over and grab it with my hands.

As I grab it, images appear in my brain in a flash, leading me to understand why I lost my powers.

When I was overcome with rage, I separated my evil part into another being, which called itself Knull. While my father transferred me to the other universe so that I could live as a human, Knull tried to eliminate everything, leading only the universe into darkness.

He is the part of me desperate for the loss of a love that I didn't know had affected me so much.

The Celestials, afraid of being destroyed, decided to eliminate this other me, but could not, so they sealed him away on a planet at the end of the universe. Before this, my other self tried to create a weapon, but this attempt proved unsuccessful, so they discarded it.

It is precisely this first prototype weapon, which would be named Necro, that somehow clung to Hella and left her in this state. Necro is the clothing that Hella wears in battle, and it is complete with summoning the helmet, which takes on her darkest obsessions.

'I failed her in creating that. What a problem.'

So I sanctify the Necro, and purify it, removing all the curse and malevolence that my other self has placed on it. Thus, it becomes just a costume that fits the person and ceases to be a parasite. It loses its will and just follows the order of the wearer.

I separate it in two, and throw one part to Hella, who was lying naked on the floor, and keep the other part. She feeds on my energy and turns into the Noob costume as I wanted. Then it turns into a well-cut suit as I wished. I try one more time and I am in a nice suit and overcoat.

Knowing that it worked, I now just wait for Princess Hella to wake up.

She gets up in a fright, looking around, desperate, looking for something, and seeing me, gets up and positions herself to fight once more.

"Calm down Hella, I just came to see how you were doing. I didn't know there was another me creating these things to drive others crazy. Forgive me," I look at her, still sitting. "Can you ask Necro to make you your clothes? As much as I am loving seeing your beautiful body, I am feeling bad about this," I point to her naked body.

"It's just like you did before, nothing has changed, I mean, now he doesn't drive you crazy anymore." I finish explaining to her.

She brings up her clothes and sits down in front of me. "Who are you?" she asks curiously.

"If your father or mother told you stories when you were a little girl, you must know me as Drage." I smile at her. Her eyes widen at me. That confirms it.

"But like, you were killed by the Celestials in the war for the nine kingdoms. But then this thing stuck to me and said it was your creation. After that I only have flashes of horrible things I did." she starts to cry. I just sit down next to her and leave her like that, for as long as she needs.

"Sorry, Necro only joined you because I blessed your birth. So she connected with you in an easier way, and since my other self was taken over by anger and madness, that passed on to you, that's why you did the things you did. It was all my fault," I console her.

"No, I really wanted Asgard for myself, Necro just made that will more evident and made me go down a crooked path. I am the champion of Death, I couldn't have been subjugated like that."

"My sister cannot interfere in your life Hella, your decisions are yours alone, she could not and will not stop you. Wherever you choose to take your death, she will be pleased for her champion. She is a simple girl like that.

But leave the past behind, it's the only thing we can do now. I mean, we can be better than our past, and that's what I'm trying to do. Do you want to help me?" I ask her with a smile.

"Sure. Who wouldn't want to fight alongside the big dark lizard?" she jokes.

"Good to know you're in a good mood, because I'm going to kick your father's ass when I see it. He can't teach you these things unworthy of a princess," I pout feigning anger.

"Actually, it was Mom who told me to call you that. She said it was payback for your underwear, whatever she meant by that." she informs me a little confused.

"When you go for a walk on Midgard, you'll quickly understand what that means." I stand up and help her to her feet. "Ready for another fight? This time you will just watch the Great Drage in his real form, defeat an evil creature." I strike a pose with my chest puffed out and nose up.

"Come on O Great Drage, show me your powerful self." she taunts once again.

Yggdrasil opens a portal and as we step through, I see a fucking dragon eating its roots. Then I take my Leviathan/Skyggedrage form.

"Son of a bitch, you wanted to feed on my beloved, now I will feed on you." I just chew the dragon and swallow after 1 minute. "Always do a good chewing princess, it helps with digestion." I joke with Hella who is between dumbfounded and excited.

"Wait, while we were fighting, how much power did you use against me?" she asks me at the same time curious and distressed.

I just look away and hiss. "Look at the time, we need to get to Asgard, or your father will have a heart attack." I place it on top of my head. "Yggdrasil, thanks for your help, now that all the realms are reconnected, I hope you have a speedy recovery. Come see me ok."

So we entered the shadows again. As I was transporting myself through the shadows to Asgard, a beautiful woman appears. "We will see each other soon yes, count on it."