8. Spider Boy

After taking Hella to Asgard, she sits down to talk with her parents, between crying and asking for forgiveness, things start to go the way they should be.

I have charged Hella with training the girls in combat, since she is the best of all at it, and is more restrained than her mother. Frigga can be scary when she teaches.

So I leave things going as they are in Asgard and go back to Earth, there is one person I need to help, since no matter the story or who writes it the poor guy just gets screwed.

Arriving in NY, flying back and forth, I find a little boy wearing pajamas, trapping some bad guys in cobwebs. Helping old ladies cross the street, among other small things, but which show the size of the boy's heart.

As soon as he goes to a secluded corner on top of a building, I appear.

"Good afternoon, kid." I'm sitting on the ledge next to him, which startles him, since he hadn't seen me coming.

"Who are you? How come I didn't see you?"

"Well, I am a myth long forgotten by mankind, if you watched the NY attack newspaper, you must have seen me there. The giant being that launched the umbra beam, defeating the chitauri armada." I explained to the boy where he saw me.

The realization hits him hard. "Geez, how did you do that?, What kind of energy was that?, How many times can you do it?, Are you stronger than Thor? .... " he doesn't stop.

"Kid, calm down a little bit, yeah. What you need to know is that they are already watching you. And I don't mean just Shield, but also the Avengers and many other agencies and things like that. I know you'll be excited and all, but think about the consequences first, okay.

If any of them find out about you, can you imagine protecting your family and fighting crime at the same time?" I look at him, straight in the eye, which scares him a little.

"Sir, you're not here to hurt them right?" the fear and confusion is there, in his words.

"Do you really think I would hurt you or your family? Why? What would be my excuse for that?" I asked the curious boy.

"Well, you see, I don't know. I'm not a hero like the avengers. I'm just a good friend to the neighborhood. What if you happened to be doing something and I got in the way? Would that be a right motive?" he asks me uncertainly.

"Look kid, you are one of the strongest heroes I have ever seen. I don't mean in physical strength, I mean in the heart. No matter how big the problem is, you help if you can, when you can, and how you can. That's what makes a hero. But you must understand that there are consequences.

People will not always see you as the hero that you are. They will see you as something to be studied, something to be unraveled, not caring about the dangers it brings. They won't mind telling the world who you are under the mask, getting your family and friends into trouble. Not even being in the good graces of billionaires will help you in this.

That is why I have brought you a gift. One that will help you not only to hide your face, but to train your body and bring out all your abilities. And soon, that is, a few years from now, another one just like you will appear.

I am telling you this now, so that you know that trouble will come. And your choices will affect not only you, but your friends as well. Think it over, and in a week, meet me here. If you accept this life, this dangerous life, come find me. I will help you in any way I can."

I hand him a box, containing a piece of Necro. He takes it, and as he looks to where I am, he doesn't see me anymore.

A week later, I am waiting in the same place when I see the little spider dangling between the buildings. He lands near where I am, wearing the necro, but with the normal colors. The usual blue and red.

"How are you little spider man?" I look at him with a smile.

"Sir, it's spider man. And I'm fine yes. That costume is wonderful. I found out that it can turn into whatever I want whenever I want...." he starts once again.

"I will call you spider man when you are spider man, now for me you and spider boy. The spider's legacy goes back much further than you might think boy. It appears in many forms to different individuals.

One day I will show you the legacy and you will meet others with the same power as you. But right now, you're just at the beginning of your career as a hero. So don't try to chew more than you can swallow, okay? Great power comes with great responsibility, and the choices you make have repercussions in your life. Be careful and don't stop living life to just be a hero."

I smile at him, shaking his hand. "See you soon, Spider-Man." and I disappear again, leaving a confused but excited Peter Parker on top of the building.

I return to Asgard, where I find Thor desperate, asking his father and mother for help.

"I need to go dad, she's gone and no one knows where. Please let me go!" he pleads.

"Then where to? Uncle Drage will take you for a walk." I tell him, who jumps up getting a fright as Frigga and Odin laugh.

"You didn't like the pranks he pulled on me, now hold on kid." Odin says to the frightened, angry, and lost Thor.

"A friend is missing, and I want to know what's going on, but my dad wants me to wait for Bifrost to finish before I go." he says.

"Come on, just tell me where we're going." I nod for him to come closer.

"London." he says and as he approaches, I put my hand on his shoulder and we disappear into the shadows.