18. Learning and Schemas

Now I am just a 10-year-old boy. Training with weapons and learning about the customs and traditions of this world. The currency is so confusing that I can barely understand it, but I'm getting by.

The Leviathan house is the largest wine producer today, and we have the third largest fleet of kingdom ships, which allows us to sail and sell our wines freely. Snake Peak, a small mountain range on the island, provides us with iron, graphene and coal.

I loved the idea of finding graphene, so I asked Jaqen to find someone to test the hardness and what kind of armor could be made. Also to find out if our ships could receive a layer of graphene to improve defense.

I went to the fleet commander and the army commander and asked them to train our men in a harder and more cruel way, they just looked at me strangely, but I said that if we stay too long without combat, people will become lazy, and at the first attack, we will be annihilated, and our families killed.

This was enough to make military training a living hell. I gave the idea of not only increasing the load, but also the weight and distance, as well as fighting to exhaustion. I know that many will give up, but I also know that many will see this as an opportunity.

I also insisted on teaching them to read and write, as well as giving a pay raise to those who train and do their role well, and if found to be mistreating the people or stealing, punishment and loss of precious limbs.

This helped cement fear and respect now. Being able to lose one's breeding limb for theft scares people well.

I also asked the commander to add women who wanted to be warriors. At first he gave me a strange look, but still followed the order. I know that he passes on every piece of information to Aunt Olenna, but I don't care one bit.

It's the year 277 A.D., in two years there will be the Harrenhal tournament, where the shit goes down the drain. So let me get ready to kick the shit out of the great warriors of Westeros. Bullshit, I'm not ready for that yet.

I started training every morning with the men of the guard, which made me challenge my limits and still provoke the men to be no worse than a child, it was one pulling the other up. The commanders were more than happy, since this helped to improve their army.

In the afternoon I learned fencing and politics, and in the evening about the history of the world and places. Doing all this was letting me slowly experience something I didn't have in the past life. To have focus and the will to improve.

When I strayed from any of these things, it was because I was in the forges, talking to the blacksmiths, learning the craft, or in the barns, tending the horses and learning riding. The soldiers were much more excited to see their little lord trying so hard.

So much so that they not only trained harder, some decided to learn the art of forging and others to better care for their horses.

A year later, Leviathan Island looked different. The town was cleaner, the people seemed happier, the army had a different attitude, the horses were well cared for, the armor was new, and the weapons were well cared for.

I also had a changed appearance. My hair was longer, my eyes were an even brighter golden color, my skin had darkened slightly, some even jokingly called me Dornese, and I had grown a bit, now I was 1.54 cm tall.

At the age of 11, I decided that I needed to travel and have some battle to really learn how to be a warrior. And so it was done. Within two months of traveling, we arrived in Lys, where we created a mercenary group and did some work.

After killing the first person, vomiting a lot, and having nightmares for days, I recovered and went back to work. In the meantime, I managed to acquire some Dothraki horses, which are stronger and more robust. I had another idea and asked them to send a letter to Jaqen, and buy some of the best horses in the Valley. While I was sending those to the island.

A few more months passed and I got used to fighting. This also helped to improve my body, making my muscles more tense and compact. Another year passed, and with it the tournament.

I thought about going to watch, but decided it would be useless. I just need to know if my new faceless men are ready. I decided it was time to go back to the island, and leave my men to create a separate army, in case in the future I need it, and I know I will.

"Dominic, my friend, I want you to take care of the men. It's time to go back to the island. You are the new leader of our serpent warriors. I'll send help as soon as I get back to the island, so hang in there, and recruit more men and women to fight with us." I shake his hand and announce to everyone present.

Then there is a party for my farewell and the promotion of Dominic. He was an orphan who trained as a soldier, and also in the house of black and white, as a faceless man. He understood when I spoke of help. Along with more men, I would also bring two or three more faceless men to help find spies.

Another two and a half months' journey back and back to my home. I look a little different from when I went. I have battle scars, more combat knowledge, and a steadier mind for the kill.

Jaqen approaches. "Your orders." he is the only one with the ability to live that long if not killed, so I need to take good care of him.

"Jaqen, send another 100 soldiers with three faceless ones to Dominic, and start dispatching the rest to take care of Elia Martell, Ashara Dayne, and Lyanna Stark. They have a very heavy road of suffering to go through, I will try to help. Also keep an eye on Eddard Stark, he may give us a surprise in the future.

Also ask two or three of our faceless to keep an eye on Rhaella Targaryen, her children will play a key role in the future of the world.