19. War Configuration

The tournament lasted a week, and was as we all hoped it would be, a mess when the prince decided to get cute with the she-wolf. Some families already started to move, foreseeing the shit that would be thrown into the sea.

I passed the order to Jaqen, to keep Elia Martell safe, and if possible, to bring Ashara Dayne to the island. But all this when the war would break out. I also asked him to prepare bodies of a woman and two children to make the exchange when King's Landing is attacked.

I am preparing well in advance, but better safe than sorry. Aunt Olenna sent me a raven, asking how I was and if the island was okay and such, I know this is so that she knows which side of the war we will be on.

As much as she is now, a chair higher than mine, she already knows from her spies here that I have enough power to be a differential in this war. I didn't get rid of the spies simply because I didn't want to arouse their suspicions about me, and since I didn't give them access to our real plans, the other houses still think that we are just wine makers.

We have managed to make our ships stronger with graphene, and also lighter and stronger armor. The graphene proved to be extremely flexible and resistant, so now we only have a few iron plates in the armor, since even with graphene, blunt blows still hurt and can harm us.

Our horses have also been given armor to protect them from arrows, one that would not hinder their movement or make them carry much more weight.

I asked Jaqen to put four faceless men among my knight protectors, since they all hide their faces, it would make no difference who was with me, but the four chosen would be my arms and legs in future confrontations.

I separated all my men into sessions, cavalry, archery and warriors. Our numbers may be small, but we will cause a lot of damage if we take part in this war. I will not take part in the war on any side but the people.

They are the ones who will suffer the most, and we must help them, so I have made several teams of up to 100 soldiers, with them spreading throughout Westeros, to prevent looting and the idiotic murders that some soldiers like so much.

We start training with this formation. Ten groups of 100 men, led by those they recommend. The division was 20 archers, 40 infantrymen and 40 cavalrymen, all of them of course using horses to get around.

They must get used to fighting both on foot and on horseback. That was the order.

The rest of my men, half would stay on the island, for their protection, and the other half would leave with me when King's Landing was surrounded by the Lannisters. I want to see if he has the courage to commit his abuses against the people in the presence of another army.

Time passes and I reach my 14th birthday. The idiot prince has 'kidnapped' the princess of the north, and the fat cuckold along with his mentor and his best friend cry rebellion. The war uprising begins, and my boats leave the island for Oldtown.

From there, in a few days, they will start patrolling the villages to avoid innocent bloodshed. The route chosen for the patrol is very simple, every three days one of the patrols will pass through a town, just to check if there are any bandits in the area.

Each patrol has its own route, which are intertwined in such a way that communications are possible. How good it is to have an intelligent war commander by your side. Aunt Olenna asks for the Island's support, which I deny says that this war is nothing more than a farce.

She would like to disinherit me at this moment, but in the midst of war she cannot. I ask my ships to bring my mercenaries from Lys to help on patrol. I make my merchant fleet work by bringing the mounts and materials from Lys to Westeros.

My naval military fleet would be patrolling in a large area, which included even sending some ships to Bear Island, preventing the squid offensive. I think Jorah from the series and the books sucks, but the rest of the family is not to blame.

I disguise one of the merchant ships, carrying wine and silk from Lys to King's Landing, where they will stay to save Elia and her children. According to my calculations, which are most likely wrong, they will arrive a month before the siege.

I learn about Tywin's movements, taking his men to King's Landing, and I go there with half of my men. And again, according to my calculations, I will arrive when he invades the city. I want to catch them taking a shit.

As I passed through the south of the kingdom towards the north, I could see my banners in some villages, which helped my men as best they could, while my men maintained security.

It took us a while but we arrived in time for when the Lannister men invaded Kung's Landing, and were surprised to see my men. The look on his ass was priceless, since if he looted the citizens, I could accuse him in front of the other houses and have a whole town as proof. He is poor, and will remain so. Only because I want to.

When we invade Red Keep's, we see Jaime Lannister sitting on the throne, with the dead king at his feet. In the meantime, Tywin orders Gregor Clegane and Amory Lorch to kill the rest of the royal family, and I ask my faceless 4 to kill them both, when they find the swapped bodies.

Nobody noticed them leaving, and this is why I love these guys, subtlety and discretion, the deadliest weapons in existence. Robert arrives with his group, shouting and insulting everyone. When he calls Jaime a regicide, I object.

"Why do you call the one who saved the people, your father's men, and mine a regicide?" it's strange for a 13-year-old boy, 1.70cm tall, questioning a fat man with a war hammer in his hand.

"And isn't that what he did boy, kill the king? The same king he swore to protect?" he sneers at the question.

"Then let me ask you, oh wise man. What would you do to a king, to whom you swore loyalty, if he decided to kill all the residents of a city just because he liked to watch fire?" I look intensely into his eyes.

"I would have stopped him from doing that, even if I had to kill him." he answers promptly.

"So for you people should call you a hero, when Ser Jaime did it you call him a Kingslayer. Congratulations. You show me that if I had fought for you, I would be just another useless idiot in the world." I just turn my back on him.

"Don't insult me boy, or you will know the weight of my hammer." he picks up the hammer in an attempt to intimidate me.

"You use a hammer, I use sword and shield, we both fight and kill, don't try to treat me like a son you had and don't want to take care of, it doesn't work. Your threat is empty and without force." I stop turning to him, drawing my sword and shield.

I make a stance well known to the Spartans, and my men follow me, aiming their weapons at the Baratheon men.

"Now if everyone will calm down, we need a new king, and I think putting Robert in would be the wisest. He has Valyrian blood and the right to succeed the throne." Arryn says in his fatherly way, which doesn't hit me.

"I just hope he's a king, not some guy sitting in a chair who can barely write his name." I hurl another insult.

"Do you want to take the throne boy, since you're so good?" he teases me.

"That would be the wisest thing I've ever said since I met you, but still wrong. I have no intention of assuming a throne. Especially not this hideous, uncomfortable, bizarre thing." I point to the iron throne.

"I'll have to agree with you there, kid," he sighs.

"Then why don't you put someone else more capable, like Mr. Arryn here?" I point at the old man. Everyone looks at me strangely. "What?"

"Nothing kid, until you came up with a great idea. What do you say Jon, do you accept?" Robert looks hopefully at Jon.

"I can't. It would cause a split in the kingdom and the fighting would continue. I don't want any more wars Robert, so it can only be you." he sums up the situation well. I came to respect the old man.

"Whatever, but I will only accept if you are my king's hand." he threatens. Jon just nods. "What about Rhaegar's sons? They are next in line." he has a pertinent question.

Tywin asks his men to bring the bodies of Elia and her children, and as they do, we are faced with something nefarious. The children have been abused and mutilated, just like Elia. Ned just looks at Tywin in disgust.

"This is what happens when northern wolves get involved in southern troubles. Innocent people pay. And I'm not blaming the north, just making it clear that when peoples mix, that's what happens, wars, death, barbarism. Sad," I comment, getting everyone's attention.

"I hope you have something to say to the Martells, because they won't be happy about it at all. I can't say I know them, but I can assure you, if it was one of mine, my house motto would be the last thing you would remember." I say looking at Tywin.

One of my men arrives from outside, as we had agreed, telling me something in a whisper inaudible to the others. Of course, it's just a disguise. I thank him and look at Ned, "We have found your sister sir, but things could be problematic."

He looks at me scared and desperate, I signal for him to follow us. Robert tries to go along but Jon stops him saying that he now needs to rule a kingdom. Which to me, was great.