chapter 8




  “You listen here tramp. Obviously you are new here since you are running your mouth to me knowing that I can cause you your job or your very existence.” She stepped up to me. Her tall frame hovering over me.

  I had to step back to see her face but I didn’t want her to think I am cowering from her. I am no weak fence so I stood my ground.

  Employees were murmuring around.

  “Who is she and how can she talk to Denise like that?”

  “Exactly, she doesn’t want her job. She must be a fool.”

  “That is what you are worried about? She looks like a little child, even my fifteen years’ old sister is taller than her.”

  Hearing all these voices, I gulped. What have I gotten myself into this time? And here I thought I might not want to see people due to my trauma.

  All that nonsense flew through the door the moment my anger was triggered.