chapter 9

  Christian’s POV

  “Yes. I don’t know who let her in because she is not from this department. She just appeared and started to create a lot of drama. Manager Morris still has her in his office.” She said all of that in one breath, disdain and disgust evident in her tone.


  I have no doubt that she is referring to Josephine.


  Josephine is short, yes, but she looked nothing of a child. Her facial features have the maturity of an adolescent and not to mention those curves. God, I need to get back to the problem at hand.


  Roger first walked off to the Manager’s office and I followed behind with Denise hot on my heels.


  I can see and feel all the employees’ eyes on me with great curiosity. I have never stepped foot down here during working hours before. They must be wondering what brought me here today.


  Roger knocked once and went in. I would have gone straight in without knocking.