chapter 10




  It has been six hours since my little episode.


  Or should I say, ‘big episode’?


  I am now sitting in Christian Evans’ office doing nothing but stare at his handsome face and looking away with embarrassment whenever his head snapped to me.


  I know for a fact my face is tinted red from shame. I am so ashamed of my behavior earlier that I wish I could hide forever. I still cannot believe my boss witnessed my episode firsthand.




  He lifted his head from his computer when I sighed for the umpteenth time, but I pretended to be oblivious of it.


  Mom had been here to take me home as Mr. Evans insisted that I go home, but I refused. I wanted to finish the day since I didn't start yesterday as I should.


  He reluctantly obliged but he didn’t give me anything to do. Not even to lift a paper.


  I yawned. I am so bored.