chapter 11





  “Man, why do you look so lost?”


  One of my annoying friends jerked me out of my thoughts of my Intern’s earlier trauma.


  I looked up at him with a frown, “What do you want?”


  Trey rested his hand on my shoulder and sat on the stool next to me, “Can’t you treat your friends a little better?” “We are the only few friends you have. When you chase us away, you will be left with no one.”


  “I agree.” Roger raised his cup.


  “Shut up! Keep focusing on the thirsty women you have been eyeing all night.” He had his back turned to the bar so he could watch the women coming in and out of the club.


  “… And you Trey, who wants to be friends with you two? What are you contributing to my life other than bad advice?” I scoffed at him. All his advice is about sleeping around with women for fun.


  He laughs at that, “If I didn’t know better, I would think you lean to the other side.”