chapter 12





  What the hell did I just hear?


  Everything went blank afterwards.


  ‘Did Mr. Evans book a Therapy appointment for me Josephine Garcia?’


  ‘Did he get my permission?’


  “Back to Earth.” I was brought back to reality by his voice. I looked around and that is when I noticed, I was already in the Therapist’s office.


  There was a middle-age lady sitting on a chair, who I assume is the Therapist, but I don’t have time to acknowledge her at this moment. My blood temperature is about 100 degrees right now, it was about to evaporate from anger and frustration.


  I glared at him angrily and he just shrugged it off as if he had brought me out for ice-cream. For Christ’s sake, he brought me to a freaking Therapist.


  My parents tried so hard over the few weeks to get me to come and see a therapist but I refused. I did not want to talk to a complete stranger about my problems as yet. I wanted to self-heal.