chapter 13


  Christian’s POV


  I strolled out of the Therapy Centre with a confused mind.


  Why should I care this much for someone I met literally three days ago? But it is like I can’t even control my own actions towards her. I am attracted to her without a doubt.


  I mindlessly walked to the car and my driver took me to the Jimmy’s Cocktail Restaurant to have lunch with my Aunt. She is one of my closest relatives and someone I have deep respect for.


  I got there in ten minutes since it is at a close distance. I cleared my thoughts of Josie and went inside.


  “Good day Mr. Evans. Mrs. Campbell is already waiting at Table nine.” The receptionist greeted me with a smile and I nodded in response.


  Actually, this restaurant is owned by my uncle, my aunt’s husband. The staff here knew me quite well since I frequent here at least once a week.


  I walked over to the table and sat down smiling at her sulky face.