chapter 22

  Josie’s POV

  I can feel anger radiating from Christian in waves. I really outdid myself this time.

  He is my boss, one that I have a crush on, but I don't want him to think there is more to what anything is.

  It felt like I owe him an explanation but at the same time I don't. We are not even dating or considering dating, so he don’t have to be this overprotective.

  He is always angry but this time it is different.

  Now, I am getting angry at him. What right does he have? I had already handle the situation but he had to go and have other people making assumptions.

  I flung his hand away and marched towards the road. I can take a taxi or walk to my Therapist's office. It is close by and quicker by foot due to heavy traffic and one ways.

  I made two step before someone grabbed the neck of my cardigan firmly, have me walking in one spot due to the firm grip.