chapter 23

  Christian's POV

  I should now be home confined to my cold bed but no... here I am sitting in the darkest corner of a bar fill with wealthy drunkards running away from their problems.

  "Man, I can't figure out how you are pussy whipped without the actual pussy." Roger complained for the fifth time tonight.

  "Yeah bro, this is not like you. You do one night stands not get all 'jealous and possessive' over a girl that don't even know you like her, just because she has an ex." Trey piped in with air quotations, not making me feel any better than when I arrived.

  I had told them about what happened today and my reaction of finding out about Josie’s ex. I couldn't controlled my anger.

  They had been silent for a mere two seconds before becoming a verbal diarrhea since I revealed it.

  "You morons are not even making any sense." I pointed out swirling the the two cubes of ice in my cup.

  After all these years, I still can't figure out how we became friends.