Chapter 29

  The graduation march was loud enough for them not to hear anything else, but at that moment, all she could hear was her parents’ sobs of rejoice.

  “Thank you, Eunice, for giving us pride. We are so proud of you. We made it!” Her dad cried yet smiling.

  “Look, dad, we now have an engineer! The board exam will be just a piece of cake for you, darling.” Her mom dreamed.

  If not for them, if not for her siblings, she might have not decided to be someone. She is just a half-step away from being licensed.

  “Thank you, guys.”

  All she could do is to watch them in tears instead of wiping those away. How can she stop their happiness if it has just started? No, she won’t.

  That is still fresh in her memory, and never had she forgotten. She never thought a day would come that they will cry but no longer because of nothingness. Though, she has always been praying for that to happen. May not as early as she asked but wasn’t late either.