Chapter 3

  “ Clara, ”

  her mom, Dr Ellen called out.

  Clara turned away from the window towards her mom, with a sad face on.

  “ what's wrong darling, you had barely said anything throughout the journey, ain't you excited about your new school? '' her mom asked.

  Clara shook her head “ I am not, I miss my former one, I miss Mislan high school mom, ” she complained arms folded.

  “ MI hija ( my daughter) ”

  She wept.

  “ MI hija, MI hija! ”

  She wept even more.

  Then she turned shapely to facing Damian.

  “ ASESINO (murderer ) ” She screamed at him.


  She screamed even more.

  “ no, no, no, no, ”

  Eric said he didn't understand what she was saying but he knew it couldn't be something good.

  He watched in horror as she brought out a small knife from her cloth, her eyes reflecting her great anger.

  “ please put that away, I didn't do anything to her, this is a big mistake...My God... ”

  he explained backing away gradually.

  But then he was shocked as the old woman used the knife on herself, she slit open her right wrist and blood flowed from it down to the sandy floor.

  “ Vida Sangre Luna, Vida Sanger Luna, Vida Sanger Luna...” she started chanting.

  Eric didn't know what she was saying but then he remembered what one of the native girls had said to him.

  * life, blood and moon. *

  he recalled.

  She was praying to their gods, the moon god...then it struck him, she was sacrificing herself to the gods!

  She continued with her chants but then she started adding some strange words to it that Damian couldn't understand.

  “ Vida Sangre luna

  Te maldigo por la eternidad

  caminar por la tierra

  solo en la cara de la luna

  sin saber nada más que sangre. ”

  As soon as she said the last word she slit her own throat with the knife and she fell on top of the corpse of daughter... dead.

  “ Noooooo! "

  Damian screamed in shock...

  immediately she took her life, the whole place became really windy and a rain cloud started forming up in the sky, bringing loud, violent thunder and lightning with it.

  The heavy wind blew open the whole tent... Then Eric Damian started to feel immense pain in his head and a sharp pain in his heart

  “ Ahhhhhhhhhhh! "

  He screamed out in pain.

  The pains were so shaped and painful that he lost consciousness, falling to the ground...

  Some distance away the festival was still forth going despite the change of weather, Eric two friends were having too much fun with the local girls to notice that their friend had gone missing...

  After a long time Eric finally regained consciousness, picking himself up he wondered what just happened to him.

  The pain was gone, he no longer felt any pain in his head nor heart... in fact he didn't feel any pain whatsoever, he felt great, reborn.

  He discovered his senses were 100 times better than before, he could now see clearly in the dark, his nose was picking up the scent and smell of things miles away.

  His skin had become pale, almost pure white, his eyes clear blue but kept changing sometimes to reddish brown and yellowish black as the case may be.

  He turned around to look at the two dead corpses - the old woman corpse  laying on top of the girl's corpse.

  Damian felt great sorrow and pity, mother and daughter dead on the same day and he felt responsible for that.

  He made to lift the dead woman off the body of the girl, putting the amount of force he thinks would be necessary to do so but he found the woman weightless, way too light like her body was made out of feathers.

  Has she all of a sudden becoming weightless or was it that he had become way too strong he contemplated.

  Just then like a great headache he felt a great and uncontrollable urge to eat, but his hunger was not for the normal food, No! It was for something different, he had a great hunger for blood - flesh human blood.

  Instinctively his nose picked up the scent of flesh blood from the crowd of people having a festive time some distance away and by this time Damian had lost control of himself, he just had only one thought on his head

  Blood! Blood and Blood!...

  At lightning speed Eric came out of the forest to the open plain where the festival was taking place.

  He was welcomed by one of the local girls who seemed to like him, she came flirting with him in hopes they would catch some fun together but she wasn't expecting what happened next...

  As she wrapped her arms around his neck biting her lower lips seductively Eric had his eyes that were now glowing  reddish brown fixed on the veins of her neck, it was like it was  calling his name so to speak

  Fed on me!

  Have a bite!

  He could feel his four canine teeth extending from inside his mouth until they became long sharp fangs.

  “ ahhhhhhhh! ”

  The girl screamed out loudly in pain as he sank his teeth into her neck sucking and squeezing the life out of her body and his eyes changing from reddish brown to dark red.

  Then he dropped her cold dead body on the floor moving to the next target -  a male who was busy trying to impress some ladies by lifting some hard stuff.

  Damian caught hold of him by the back of his head flinging him up high into the sky with so much ease... he landed hard on the ground after spending some time in the air.

  He was half dead upon impact but he could still see and he watched in horror as Damian marched to meet him.

  Growling he bent over and bit and sucked him dead.

  “ ahhhhhhhhh! ”

  The girls screamed and ran on seeing this.

  But they weren't fast enough as Eric Damian caught up with them all, sucking their very lives away.

  He kept dropping bodies as he moved cursing great chaos and panic throughout the festival location and town at large

  “ Monster! ”

  “ Devi!l ”

  “ Death! ”

  People yelled as they ran.

  Damian's thirst for blood was unending despite the number of dead people piling up; he wanted more.

  He was so quick it was as if he was in multiple places at once.

  Damain's two friends Christopher and Briana were on the run also they knew some kind of monster was killing people but they didn't know that the monster was actually their best friend Eric until they saw him in person, sucking the blood of his latest victim.

  At this point his clothes were completely covered with the blood stain of the people he had killed, his eyes looked like that of a killer yellowish black.

  “ my God Eric!! What happened to you? ”

  Christopher exclaimed in disbelief and total shock.

  “ that's not Eric.... That's the devil, ” Briana said in complete fear.

  Damian lifted his head up facing them.. then he stood up leaving the corpse, as he had made them his next targets.

  “ E..Eric stop, Eric stop Ericcccc! ” Christopher stuttered as he came at them in a manner that looked life threatening...


  Someone shot at Damian, straight in the chest multiple times causing him to groan in pain but he didn't die.

  In Fact the bullets came out of his body and his wounds healed back up.

  Damian turned facing the person that shot at him with deadly stare

  It was one of the tourists, an American also. Eric Damian advanced towards him and the man opened fire again, shooting at him several times but it didn't harm Damian.

  “ Ahhhhhhhhhhh! "

  The man screamed out as Damian grabbed hold of him and bit on his neck sucking him dry.

  Christopher and Briana used that opportunity to run for their life....




  [ Somewhere close by ]

  The slaughtering was so great that something unexpected happened when the moon above became red.

  “ The great sacrifice! ”

  The Elder Chief exclaimed in awe.

  “ He's going to kill us all, ”

  one of the elders said panicking.

  “ I think I know how to stop him but I need volunteers, ” The Elder Chief said.

  Christopher and Briana wanted to help their friend so they volunteered.

  “ We want to help! "

  Both of them said, signifying themselves.

  “ Step forward foreigners, ” the Elder Chief announced and they did as told.

  Then he began chanting and also instructed others around to do the same, which they all did.

  “ Vida Sangre Luna, Vida Sangre Luna, Vida Sangre Luna

  Sálvanos Luna Dios, toma estas almas e intercambiarlos con un pecho matar esta sangre Succión monstruo ” the Elder Chief recited and everyone echoed along.

  Then all of a sudden Christopher and Briana started screaming in pains... and then they began, transforming, changing into some kind of beast...




  Eric Damian was still on a killing spree, no one was safe, not even the little kids, he killed them all.

  Damian had just finished drinking the blood of a child and her mother when he picked up a foul smell.

  Coming out from the hut he saw two strange fearsome creatures he had never seen before, they were large, the size of a bear but looked more like  a wolf, they had long, sharp claws and teeth.

  “ Roarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! "

  They roared loudly beating their chest in the process, trying to intimidate Damian but Damian wasn't  intimidated by this unusual beast.

  “ Roarrrrrrrrr! "

  Roaring back at them he ran towards them....


  Year: 2020

  Location: Somewhere in US

  Clara, a beautiful teenage girl, was on her way to her new school, Great Hill High School.

  She wasn't really excited about it because she had lots of friends in her former school and she was going to miss them a lot.

  She had this sad expression on her face as she looked out the car window as her mom drove her....

  Her mom let out a sigh “ I know darling but you know why we had to leave New York City... ”

  She said, giving a long explanation which Clara didn't even want to hear of course she had heard it a thousand times already.

  “ ...So We Can Start A New Life Together, ”

  Both of them chorused and Clara rolled her eyes slightly.

  “ I know why we had to leave but I still miss all my friends, Tracy, Emmy, Nico and James and a whole bunch of other friends that I can't remember their names right now, ”

  Clara said, still with a sad tone.

  “ I know, I know... I know how you feel but we both had to make sacrifices, I left my job you know, not everyone could do that. Being a doctor in one of the highest paying hospitals in America is not a child's play but I left it you know why? ”

  “ For family, ” Clara answered.

  “ Yes for family, for you Clara, you are my family, ” her mom said touching the back of Clara's palm tenderly with her right hand while the other hand was still on the wheel.

  “ So why don't you give dear mommy a smile, ” her mom said further with a broad smile of her own.

  Clara smiled at her back “ I love you mom, ” Clara said softly.

  “ I know my pretty angel, I love you too, ” her mom said compassionately....

  After a long drive Clara's mom pulled up into a car park area, where different kinds of cars were already lined up and there it was.

  Great Hill High School.

  ” Wow! "

  Clara was left awe by the sight.

  A gigantic structure Clara must confess, way bigger than her former school but she doesn't feel any connections to the bricks of this building like that of Mislan's her former school.

  Mom and daughter greeted goodbye and Clara stood watching as her mom drove off, then she turned around taking one last ful picture image of the massive building with her eyes, before taking in a large breath, as she inhaled deeply then followed the crowd of teenagers like herself, walking like zombies as they matched towards the school main door...

  She was wearing a female shirt and jeans with a pair of sneakers, she backed a bag big enough to contain all her books and writing stuff.

  As she walked into the large hallway, she multitasked - scanning around for her new locker while also dodging the passers by.

  She reached for her jeans pocket, bringing out a key and checked the number on it.

  Locker 126

  She sighed at the sight of it.

  “ oh great! Just great... Now I will have to walk the whole hallway just to get to my locker, ”

  she complained feeling tired already and her big package was wearing her down.

  After a long walk she finally saw her locker.

  Heaving a sigh of relief she opened it with the key in her hand and emptied all the stuff in her backpack into it, leaving only a few books and writing materials in the bag.

  Her backpack felt less heavier now and she felt much lighter, she could afford to carry it on one shoulder without dislocating her shoulder blade, which is exactly what she did.

  As she flung on her right shoulder and slammed the locker shot, securing it with the keys.

  Just then the bell rang and the once crowded hallway was completely empty in a matter of seconds.

  “ Oh great! How am I going to locate the history class now, ”

  Clara lamented since there was nobody to ask for directions as everyone suddenly was in a hurry to get to their various classes.

  She looked lost in her new school not knowing whether to go left, right/ back or front.

  “ Miss Jackson! ”

  Someone called her by her father's name.


  She turned around to see a tall black man. She recognized him, he was the school principal.

  She was actually glad to see him.

  “ Morning Mr Phillips, ” she greeted as she walked to meet him.

  “ Morning to you young lady, didn't you hear the sound of the bell? you should be in class by now, ”

  he said calmly.

  “ Yeah... I am actually trying to figure out where I am having my class, ” she said then made a weird silly smile.

  “ Okay, what subject are you having now? ” he asked.

  “ Hmmmm..history I think, yeah definitely history,” she said.

  “ That's Mr Collins class, alright follow me, ” he said and threw his long legs forward.....


  Minutes later

  [ History class ]

  Mr Collins was busy teaching about the ancient practices of some popular tribes that were no longer in existence.

  “ ...Blood was viewed as a potent source of nourishment for the Maya deities, and the sacrifice of a living creature was a powerful blood offering to the gods. By extension, the sacrifice of a human life was the ultimate offering of gifts to the gods, and the most important Maya rituals culminated in human sacrifice and_ ”

  He had to stop when the principal entered the class and a pretty blonde girl with him.

  “ Sorry for the interruption, ” The principal apologize formally.

  “ it's nothing sir, ”

  Mr Collins said.

  “ Great, well there is someone I want to introduce to your class, Miss Jackson, ” the principal said.

  Clara stepped forward and it was as if all their staring eyes were trying to eat her up.

  “ My name is Clara, ” she quickly corrected.

  Miss Jackson kinda makes her look old in her head.

  “ Nice meeting you Clara, why don't you go find a seat amongst your new classmates, ”

  Mr Collins said flashing her a smile.

  She nodded and walked slowly.

  As she walked, searching for a seat, she saw a girl in particular smiling at her warmly and she had an empty seat next to her so Clara just sat down there.

  “ Hi, I am Nana, ”

  The girl greeted with a welcoming smile.

  “ Nice meeting you, I am Clara. ”

  “ Yeah I know, ” Anna said.

  “ ”

  Clara asked, surprised, they only just met.

  “ You told everyone your name some minutes ago, remember?

  ” Anna said.

  “ Oh yeah, stupid me, ” Clara said in a silly smile.

  Anna chuckled and Clara joined her, laughing slightly. she liked her already....

  Mr Collins continued with his history class.

  “ ...alright apart from the Maya's people or tribe, which other ancient tribe do you know that offers blood sacrifice, either that of animals or humans to its gods? ” Mr Collins asked the class.

  And for a while there was total silence in the class until someone stood up, and immediately everyone's eyes went to him including Clara's.

  He was a cute Latino boy, and he was looking quite shy.

  “ Mathias, do you have something to say? ” Mr Collins asked.

  “ Y..Yes sir, ”

  He said, sounding a little bit nervy.

  “ Alright then you have our audience, ” Mr Collins said.

  Mathias began.

  “ Well according to the stories my grandfather told me when I was little, the tale about the Gran Lobo (Great Wolf) tribe that used to practice animal sacrifices in the festival of El que es LUNA to appease the moon god. This was an annual custom of theirs until things went terribly bad when the magic of the Luna was used to create a monster of the night, a vampire... ”

  Everyone kept totally quiet as Mathias spoke..but then all of a sudden there came a long outburst of laughter from the whole class, Clara laughing slightly.

  “ Are you kidding me? Vampire and werewolves? What are you 12?  ” one of his classmates mocked laughing even more.

  “ More like a weirdo, ” a girl said....

  “ I..I am not lying, you got to believe me, ”

  Mathias stuttered feeling really embarrassed.

  “ Weirdo! ”

  “ this guy really is a joke. ”

  “ more like, insane. ”

  The whole class were whispering amongst themselves.

  Creating a disturbance noise.

  “ silence, enough!! ” Mr Collins had to step in.

  “ Thank you Mathias for the try, but maybe you didn't get the question I asked, I said you should tell me about ancient history, not ancient bedtime stories. Everyone knows there are no such things as Vampires and Werewolves, ” Mr Collins said.

  “ B..But do you believe in magic? ” Mathias said in a low tune.

  “ I believe in science, ” Mr Collins answered proudly.

  “ B..But it's not everything science can explain, ” Mathias said and just then the bell rang.

  The students flooded to the exit door.

  “ Don't forget to do your assignment! ” Mr Collins yelled a reminder....

  Clara quickly checked her timetable and she saw she had English class next.

  She walked with her new found friend Anna to the locker who also had English class...

  As they walked down the hallway Anna kept telling Clara all the things she got to know about Great Hill High School.

  Clara got to her locker and she quickly opened her bags and brought out her history textbook and notebooks, she put it safely inside her locker replacing it with the English textbook and..

  “ Oh my God! He is here! ”

  Anna exclaimed, taking Clara's attention from the locker.

  Following Anna's eyes, Clara turned her neck until it landed on a super cute boy who was surrounded by a group of boys and girls.