Chapter 4

  “ Who is that? "

  She asked, drooling.

  “ That's Adams Bright, super cute boy, Great Hill best basketball and quarterback on the football team... ” Anna kept describing Adams's awesomeness to Clara.

  While Clara just stared at him dreamingly, he is more than handsome she thought, beautiful is more appropriate, with his lovely long hair, blue eyes, perfect nose and a killer lips.

  He was simply dreamy and Clara was caught daydreaming.

  “.. Hey Clara, Clara..Clara. ” Anna kept calling out but it was as if Clara was in a different world.

  Anna had to shake her out of it - roughly.

  “ what's it? ”

  Clara asked as she got herself.

  “ what were you thinking about? '' Anna asked staring at her in a weird way.

  “ ...nothing, " she lied and Anna didn't believe obviously, as she gave Clara a suspicious stare.

  “ Why are you staring at me like that? Clara asked, feeling uncomfortable.

  “ it's nothing, but just in case you are thinking about anything stupid, you see that girl next to him? ”

  Anna said, taking her eyes to one of the girls.

  Clara followed her eyes once more, it landed on a really pretty girl next to the cute Adams, she looked really pretty with long dark hair and I had a nice body shape.

  She looks fit for a cheerleader and her skirt was really short, far away from her knee cap.

  “ What about her? ” Clara asked.

  “ Her name is Ella, the cheerleader and most especially Adams's girlfriend. So if Adams is the King then she is the Queen and you don't want to mess with the Queen or anything that belongs to her.

  So I suggest you should forget about him, ” Anna said.

  “ I wasn't thinking about him... ” Clara denied. Anna stared at her.

  “ better then, because she can make your life a living hell in this school ” Anna warned, making Clara gulp down her throat..

  Clara glanced at Adams direction for what should be the last pick of his cuteness... But then both their eyes met but she quickly turned away her face.

  His gaze made her heart beat really fast and she hoped Anna didn't see that.

  “ Let's get to English Class, trust me you don't want to come late to Mrs Henry class, that lady is a tiger.” Anna said obviously she didn't notice anything.

  Clara locked her locker and followed Anna, walking side by side they gist and laughed as they walked to the class....


  Several hours passed and finally it was lunch break.

  Inside the cafeteria Clara was already seated in a table, her tray of food placed on top of the table.

  With her at the table was Anna and their others, all Anna's friends.

  Caleb Osborn a nerd on glasses, Patricia Kelvin a beautiful but shy girl who doesn't talk much and lastly Ken Quentin a joker, not that his jokes were really that funny but he thinks they are.

  “ Clara, sorry for asking but why did you change schools? Didn't you like your former one? ”

  Calab asked after they had finished introducing themselves.

  “ Well I had to change school because we moved from where we lived, mom got a new job in another state and I didn't have any choice than to go with her, " Clara said in a slight sad tone.

  She continued.

  “ And for your other questions, I do love my former school, everything about it. My friends, my teachers, the weather...every single thing about it, ”

  Clara said in a smile as she got sweet memories of her former school when she spoke. But then the sadness returned when she finished speaking.

  “ Well we will try our best so you won't miss your friends that much, Okay, ” Anna said with a smile, trying to cheer her up.

  Clara gave a brief smile and they continued eating their meal....

  But then she noticed a table completely empty except for one person seated on it, it was the same guy from the history class.

  “ hey.. isn't that Matthew, ”

  Clara said pronouncing his name wrong.

  “ Mathias, ” Anna corrected.

  “ Yes Mathias.... Why is he seated all alone? ” Clara asked.

  “ That's because he is weird, didn't you hear him earlier on speaking about vampires and werewolves? ”

  Anna said in a whispering tone.

  “ I did but he was only trying to answer a question, that doesn't mean people should avoid him, " Clara said, already feeling pity for him.

  “ I am telling you that guy is weird, he has been in this school for a year now and still he has no friends, a foreign exchange student from Mexico. He always loves talking about Witches, Wizards, Vampire and all other cripple stuff, trust me you don't want to go near him, ” Anna warned.

  Clara stared at him as he ate alone at the table and she knew no matter how weird a person may be, they deserve to have friends even if it's just one.

  Life without friends can be hard and worthless....

  However something got her attention, someone.

  “ Oh, Clara I have a joke I need to tell you, just promise me you won't laugh your pants off... Well actually you can laugh them off I won't mind, ”

  Ken said aching his eyebrows.

  “ O..Kay I'm listening but I am definitely keeping my pants on. '' Clara jokes.

  “ Alright, we will see about that, ” Ken said.

  “ Hear we go, just pretend not to be disappointed, ” Caleb whispered to Clara, making her release a confused look.

  Ken began his jokes.

  “ You see two jobless friends where walking aimlessly on the road and then they fell upon two items, a ring which looked precious so they reasoned they would sell it to their king and he would give them a fortune for it. They got to the palace and upon arriving they discovered that the palace was in disarray, and from one of the servant they got to find out  that the king is very angry as something very precious to him have been stolen, it was reported that two men had stolen this precious thing from the palace the previous night. Even with this information the two friends were still very much determined to see the king. Despite the tension that was going on in the palace, they managed to get an audience with the king. And one of the men addressed the king ‘ My king we have traveled round the world and we came across this precious item and we said to ourselves. This would look good on our king ' He then showed the king the ring in their possession, the king smiled at them and proceeded to speak. ‘ Two thieves broke into my palace in the cover of night and stole my two most precious rings and I vowed to the gods, I will have both their heads if I ever catch them but since they have brought back what they stole themselves I am going to show mercy. I will be demanding for only one of their heads, so which of you fools, will I be taken his head? ' The king said to them,  ” Ken narrated....

  Clara laughed once he was done.

  “ It's actually funny, ” She said.

  “ Really? thank you! thank you! I told you guys I'm good at telling jokes, finally someone that appreciates my talents... Let me tell you another joke, ” he said....





  The next day in school.

  Clara was in a chemistry lab doing some titration experiment, her new friends were not with her but Adams the super cute boy and his girlfriend Ella - who was standing constantly by Adams's side like she was glued to him.

  Mathias was also there and as usual he was deserted by all his peers, and once again Clara found herself feeling sorry for him.

  It was then Clara determined within herself to make him her friend.

  Walking to meet him.

  “ Hey..Mathias right? ” she said, with a friendly smile.

  He looked around to see if she was actually talking to him or someone else.

  " M..Me?'' he stuttered a reply when it became obvious she was referring to him as no one was around him.

  “ Yes you, I am new here, my name is Clara Jackson and we were in the same history class yesterday, remember? ” Clara said.

  “ you heard all those stuffs I said yesterday and want to make the jest of myself right? '' Mathias said, quickly assuming the worst.

  “ No, no, no don't get me wrong, I am not here for that... I kinda find the story interesting, and if you don't mind I want to be your friend, ” Clara said.

  “ Really! ” he said excitedly but still much cautious.

  For all he knows this could just be some sick prank, not the first time something like this will be happening to him. Someone pretending to be his friend only to end up making a total fool of him.

  “ Why? Why do you want to be my friend? "

  He asked, staring at her intently.

  “ Like I said I am new and I want to make new friends and I guess you kinda stand out, "

  She said and Mathias became a little bit relaxed.

  ” Alright. "

  “ So.. can you please finish telling me about the stuff you were saying in history class, I was really fascinated by it and would love to know what happened, ”

  Clara said, making puppy eyes at him.

  “ Sure I see during the El que es LUNA festival someone a grieving mother used the magic to lay a great curse on a man........  "

  Mathias began narrating what happened that very night, the day Man Eric Damian became a vampire..