Chapter 3: I Will Give You My Life

Hanson looked down at his bloodstained shirt, and then he turned to Wendy in disbelief.

"She truly intends to kill me.

If I hadn't leaned to one side, the knife would have pierced through my heart.

But how did she dare?" Hanson wondered.

At the sight of this, the driver got out of the car hurriedly and was about to step forward.

However, Hanson said coldly, "Get lost."

Upon hearing his stern words, the driver quickly moved to a spot further away and watched those two from a distance.

Hanson grabbed onto Wendy's arm that was holding the knife, then he turned around and pushed her onto the bonnet.

He asked her slowly in a frosty tone, "Wendy, have you really gone insane?"

"Yes I have. If you hate me, then just make me the target of your resentment. Why did you ruin the Simons Family? Why did you drive my mother to the point of suicide? Why can't you let my child pass on with dignity? Hanson, does none of those things bother your conscience?"

"Conscience?" Hanson sneered, "You and your family are in no position to argue with me about conscience."

He pulled her closer, then he said in a cold and sarcastic tone, "Wendy, your mother was just as despicable as you. She seduced my father, and my mother has fallen into a coma after the car accident because of her doing. She got what she deserved."

 There was a resounding slap.

As soon as Hanson had finished his words, Wendy slapped him hard across the face.

Although Wendy was feeling totally drained, she mustered up all her strength left and slapped him.

She could not bear to hear anyone slandering her mother like that.

"That's impossible."

Hanson grabbed Wendy around the throat, and his eyes blazed with menace.

"All those despicable b*tches should just die, including you. I had almost died in the fire that day, and it was Tanya who had risked her life to save me. On the other hand, what were you doing at that time? You were playing around with another man."

"No! I didn't! It was Tanya who had..." Wendy shouted angrily.

Hanson pushed her aside in disgust. He had no interest in listening to her flimsy excuses at all.

"Shut up. You've done so many wicked things, even if Tanya were to destroy you, you only have yourself to blame for that."

The force slammed Wendy's weak body against the wall that surrounded the Yale's residence. The wounds on her arms that were caused by the dogs opened up and started bleeding again, gradually staining her sleeves red.

It was as though her heart had already been ripped to pieces. Even when Hanson was humiliating her like this, she could hardly feel any pain internally at that moment.

At one time, Anthony Nielsen and Tanya Nielsen were staying with the Simons Family. Unfortunately, they were assaulted by a bunch of brutes one day. Anthony had died there and then, while Tanya had suffered irreparable damage to her womb and became sterile for the rest of her life.

Hanson had carried out an exhaustive investigation to uncover the truth behind that incident, yet all of his findings pointed towards Wendy as the culprit.

At that time, he had also had his hand around her throat as he asked her, "You knew that Anthony had saved my life before, yet why did you hurt him?"

However, no matter how hard she had tried to explain that she was not involved, Hanson just wouldn't believe her.

He was certain that she had done that evil deed out of jealousy.

Later on, Hanson had also found that the Simons Family was connected with his brothers' deaths...

Wendy looked at Hanson and suddenly chuckled. But after laughing for a while, she started crying all of a sudden, appearing very sorrowful and disheartened.

She covered her ears with both hands, lowered her head, and shook her head desperately.

"That's right, I've brought all this upon myself. I shouldn't have fallen for you. I shouldn't have recklessly seduced you. I shouldn't have married you..."

Looking at her demented state, Hanson suddenly recalled the bright and confident smile on her face a few years ago...

At that time, the most beautiful socialite in Heaven City stood on stage in the spotlight and announced to everyone, "Hanson Yale is the only man that I, Wendy Simons, will marry in this lifetime."

At that moment, her eyes were filled with confidence.

But now...

He couldn't even remember how long it has been since Wendy's had a genuine smile.

Wendy looked up at him fearfully and desperately. "Hanson, I won't love you any more. I will give you my life, and in return, could you please give my mum and my daughter back to me?"

As she spoke, she had already raised her hand and quickly pulled out the knife from Hanson's shoulder...

Hanson felt a sharp pain on his shoulder. When he had realized what Wendy was about to do, it was already too late for him to react.

With his own eyes, he saw Wendy stabbing the knife into her lower abdomen, and the cloth over her abdomen was immediately soaked with blood.

As Wendy staggered and fell backwards, he reflexively caught and held her tightly in his arms. Both of them fell to the ground at the same time.
