Chapter 4: I Heard That She’s Slept Around

Hanson sat outside the operating room and waited anxiously.

He had just seen the multiple bite marks on Wendy's arms and legs a while ago, and the sight of it pierced his heart.

At his back he could hear quick, approaching footsteps. It was Tanya, who came running to meet Hanson.

"Hanson, is Wendy alright? She... Gosh! Hanson, what happened to your shoulder?"

Tanya squatted down and reached out her hand to check Hanson's wound.

However, Hanson slapped her hand away and asked flatly, "How did you explain to Wendy about the child?"

"I was just about to tell you about this. Last night, I've instructed for someone to hand over the dead baby to Wendy. But when I went to see her this morning, I heard from others that Wendy actually... gave the child..."

Hanson had a frosty look in his eyes. "What happened?"

"She said that since you've abandoned the child, she doesn't want it either. Then, she tossed the child to the dogs that were raised by the security guards in the backyard."

Hanson clenched his fists tightly.

Tanya placed her hands on Hanson's arm and said gently, "Hanson, don't be angry. Wendy must have made a poor judgement in a fit of temper at that moment. The security guards have said that Wendy regretted her actions almost immediately afterwards, and she'd rushed to take the child away from the dogs. I've also heard that she was severely bitten by the dogs. I wonder if she's alright?"

Hanson's expression hardened after hearing her words. Then, he stood up and turned to leave.

Tanya got to her feet and asked in a small voice, "Hanson, where are you going? Wendy is..."

"You don't need to inform me about her matters from now on. I won't concern myself with it any more."

After saying that, he cast a cold glance at Tanya and left.

As she watched Hanson walk away, Tanya raised her eyebrows slightly.

"I've stayed by Hanson's side for such a long time, yet I've never received a single look of concern from him.

So why should Wendy have his attention instead?" Tanya thought to herself.

She instructed the person next to her stonily, "Give Hanson's aunt a call."


Tanya turned around and looked at the door of the operating room, and her eyes shone with malice. "Wendy, I'll let you have a taste of hell for yourself."

Wendy woke up to find herself in a ward.

The pain in her lower abdomen was a clear indicator that she was still alive.

But even before she had the time to look at her surroundings, someone grabbed onto her hair and pulled her up from the bed forcefully.

Wendy frowned when she saw that person's face. It was Hayley Yale, Hanson's eldest aunt.

"You b*tch, you must have lost your sense of humility after enjoying the high life with the Yale Family for quite some time. You even had the audacity to harm my nephew with a knife. You must not want to live."

Wendy thought that it was rather ironic as she looked at the vicious look on Hayley's face. "If truth be told, Hayley is the one who has caused Hanson more harm with how ruthless she has always been.

"Yet, she's uttering such words to me now?

"Ha! It's obvious that Hayley's planning to use this opportunity to settle an old score," Wendy thought.

When she had noticed Wendy's cold gaze, Hayley gave her a slap in the face. "B*tch, how dare you look at me like that?"

"Mum, why are you wasting your time with a woman like this? Didn't I tell you to leave her to me? I have quite a few tricks up my sleeve that'll make her wish that she were dead."

There was a hint of smugness in the voice that had just spoken from behind her. It belonged to Baird Hunk, who was Hayley's son.

He was a rather beefy man who looked fairly tall and strong.

With a sinister grin tugging on the corners of his lips, he fixed his unrestrained, lustful gaze on Wendy. He was an utterly repulsive man.

"Baird has had an infamous reputation as a playboy of loose morals in Heaven City. Things will definitely not end well for me if I were to fall into his hands," she thought.

Wendy tried her best to sound calm whilst enduring the pain on her lower abdomen. "This is between me and Hanson, so mind your own business. I want to see Hanson."

Hayley spoke in a shrill and angry voice, "You want to see Hanson? Ha! Dream on! Hanson feels nothing but hatred for you now. He's said that it's none of his concern whether your live or die from now on. Baird, she's yours now. You can have all the fun that you want with her as you please."

Baird stepped foward.

As Hayley turned around to leave the room, a thought came to her, and she reminded Baird, "Take contraceptive precautions. I heard that she's slept around."

After Hayley had gotten out the door, Baird started unbuttoning his shirt as he moved closer towards the hospital bed.

"The most beautiful socialite... I've always wanted the chance to spend a night with you, but I'd never thought that the opportunity would present itself in such a way one day."

Wendy felt threatened and tried to move away from him, but the intense, throbbing pain in her abdomen caused by the wound made it impossible for her to move quickly.

"Baird... Baird Hunk, you'd better not try anything funny. I'm still officially Hanson's wife at present."

"So what? That's exactly what I want, sleeping with Hanson Yale's woman. Ha! Even your frail and sickly appearance excites me too."

Using all her strength, Wendy raised her hand and tried to press the nurse call button to call for help.

Baird noticed her movement right away, and he swiftly grabbed onto her hand.

There was a fierce look in his eyes as he jumped onto the bed and pressed her down. "Now, not even the gods could help you escape this."

After saying that, he lowered his head to kiss Wendy's lips.

Wendy turned her head away to avoid his touch, and she shouted with all her might, "Help... No! Help me!"

Baird slapped Wendy hard across the face as his patience was running out. Then, he covered her mouth with one hand and tore at her hospital gown with the other.

Just as he was about to press his lips on her again, someone flung the door open from the outside all of a sudden.

Baird turned his head and shouted furiously, "Who the f*ck... Han... Hanson? Why are you here?"

Hanson, who was also in a hospital gown, shifted his gaze from Baird to Wendy's face. His eyes blazed with rage.

Baird came to his senses and quickly jumped off the bed.

"Hanson, this isn't what it seems. She's the one who's asked for me to come here. I've even refused her since she's so ill, but she... took off her clothes and seduced me, that's why I..."

Wendy was about to explain herself when Tanya stepped out from behind Hanson. She looked at Wendy with a stunned look on her face.

"Oh my god! Wendy, what are you doing? How could you cheat on Hanson at a time like this..."