Chapter 5: Mrs. Yale Has Regained Consciousness

Seeing that Hanson's face remained expressionless, Tanya stepped forward and said in a sad voice, "Wendy, although Hanson has never said it out loud, yet I know that he has been worried about you all this time. But how could you do such a thing with his cousin for the sake of revenge? This, this is adultery..."

Wendy retorted whilst enduring the pain in her stomach, "Shut up! Stop twisting the facts. It was Baird..."

Baird interrupted Wendy immediately and pointed at her face as he shouted, "Wendy, don't you try to put the blame on me! I'd clearly rejected your request when I saw that you were injured just now. Yet it was you who's said that you couldn't bear to watch Hanson and Tanya happy together. So, even though it might kill you, you would sleep with me just so you could make Hanson suffer. Hanson, you have to believe me. If she hadn't taken the initiative, I wouldn't have dared to touch your woman. There's no way that I would have the guts to do that."

Hanson said coldly, "She wants to make me suffer? Ha, she's not even worthy of my attention." 

Wendy had wanted to explain the situation to Hanson initially, but her heart sank as soon as she had heard those words.

The stabbing pain that she was feeling all over her body could not even compare to the impact caused by his words.

Tanya turned around and grabbed Hanson by his wrist. Tears streaked her fragile face.

"Hanson, don't say that. Wendy must have acted on an impulse. It's all my fault. If it weren't for me, Wendy wouldn't be so angry with you. This is all my fault. I'm begging you, Hanson. Don't blame her."

Having had enough of these hypocrites, Wendy gritted her teeth and said, "Tanya, enough with your hypocrisy. Just get the hell out of here!"

Hanson put his arm around Tanya's shoulder in a natural manner and looked at Wendy. His eyes danced with mischievous amusement.

"If we're to talk about hypocrisy, aren't you the biggest hypocrite here? You're nothing but a nasty, two-faced liar who does one thing and says another." 

Wendy closed her eyes. "I was foolish enough to have tried so hard to maintain our relationship, but at long last, what did I get in return?

"This must be one of life's greatest ironies," Wendy thought.

Tanya shook her head as she looked at Hanson. "No, Hanson. Wendy and I grew up together. I know her very well. She's not that kind of person. There must be some sort of misunderstanding between you and Wendy."

She got out of Hanson's embrace and hurried over to Wendy.

"Wendy, didn't you say that you have been wrongly accused all this time? Mrs. Yale has been showing signs of recovery for the past few days. Once she has regained consciousness, she could tell us about the truth behind that car accident and clear your mother's name. Then, you can get back together with Hanson. Don't worry, I won't try to take Hanson away from you. I just want the two of you to be happy."

Wendy was a little surprised. "My mother-in-law's about to regain consciousness?"

Standing at the side, Baird said in a sarcastic tone, "Ms. Simons, you're both women, but I seriously think that you should make your cousin your role model. Seeing that you are such a vicious person, even I find Hanson to be very pitiful. Hanson, you should really teach a woman like her..."

Hanson's cold gaze fell on Baird.

Baird's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly corrected himself, "I just thought that it's really unfair that she's doing these things to you."

Even though he was harbouring a grudge against Wendy, Hanson disdained the idea of associating with someone like Baird. "Get out!"

When he saw the eerie and malevolent look in Hanson's eyes, Baird shuddered and failed to finish his sentence. Then, he quickly bent over to pick up his clothes that were on the floor and left in a hurry.

"What sh*tty luck! I didn't even get to bed the woman, and I'd almost gotten myself into trouble," Baird complained internally.

Tanya asked, "Hanson, can I have a few words with Wendy alone? I'd like to calm her down."

"There's no need for that. Like I said, it's none of our business whether she's alive or dead from now on."

After he had finished talking, he shot a frosty glare at Wendy and left with Tanya in his arms.

Wendy clenched her fists tightly as she stared at their receding figures.

"Mum, I won't let them dishonour you even in death. I will definitely clear your name," she thought to herself inwardly.

For the next few days, Hanson didn't appear in front of Wendy again.

Tanya, on the other hand, would drop by to provoke her from time to time. And she was doing it again at present.

She had sensed that her vile and spiteful words no longer had any effect on Wendy.

Tanya knew that Wendy had completely given up on Hanson.

But she was not satisfied with this.

"What I truly desire is for Wendy to go through hell.

"And she's still far from being in hell." Tanya thought.

"Oh! By the way, I have something to tell you. On my way here, I've received a call saying that Mrs. Yale has regained consciousness."

Wendy's lacklustre eyes shifted.

Noticing her change, Tanya smirked and said, "There is finally some reaction on that annoying face of yours. It seems that it will be really beneficial to you if Mrs. Yale recovers. Ha! But do you really think that I will let things go your way?"

Wendy's heart missed a beat. She narrowed her eyes and said, "Tanya, what are you up to now?"

"Well, I'm going to put you through hell. So, of course, I'm going to make anyone who will be of help to you remain silent forever."

Tanya glanced at her watch and said, "Hanson has received the news, and he is on his way here from the company. I don't have much time left to waste with you now. I have to completely destroy your one last hope before he reaches here."

Tanya flashed her a sinister smile and turned to walk out of the ward.

"No, I can't let her harm my mother-in-law..." Wendy pondered.