Chapter 6: Why Won’t You Just Believe Me?

Wendy took off her drip and stumbled out of the bed in a hurry. Then she lunged forward and grabbed Tanya. 

"Have you gone mad? She is Hanson's mother."

Tanya grinned maliciously and said, "So what? I will eliminate all those who stand in my way."

Wendy had a look of utter disbelief on her face.

Tanya pushed her away forcefully. Wendy, who was still weak, lost her balance and fell to the floor. She struggled to get to her feet for quite some time due to the immense pain.

Tanya opened the door and left.

Wendy got up eventually after much difficulty. However, by the time she ran out the door, she knew that it was impossible for her to catch up with Tanya. Wendy felt so anxious that she grabbed a nurse by her arm as she walked past.

"Tanya is going to kill someone. She's going to kill Hanson's mother. Please help me stop her, please..."

The nurse pushed her away in disgust. "Are you crazy? Why did you yank at my arm? How uncivilized!"

Another nurse came up to her and said in a low voice, "Hey, why would you bother getting angry with this lady? She is an absolute lunatic. She's been in a psychiatric hospital for a year, and she just had a stillborn baby. There's this ominous aura about her. Let's go. Just ignore her."

Both of the nurses looked with distaste at Wendy and left together.

Wendy didn't even have the time to argue with them. She could only go after Tanya by herself.

"I mustn't let Tanya succeed.

"If my mother-in-law dies now, then my mum would have died for nothing.

"No. I can't let that happen," Wendy thought.

Wendy had managed to get to Zara Faith's ward in a stagger.

There was only Tanya, who was sitting beside Zara's bed, inside the ward.

Wendy's mother-in-law was lying motionlessly in bed with her eyes closed, looking no different from her usual state.

Wendy's heart missed a beat. Zara did not regain consciousness. Tanya had lied to her.

Wendy was certain that Tanya must be up to no good.

When she thought about how much Hanson had distrusted her at present, Wendy knew that she would only get into trouble if she were to stay around. So, she turned and decided to leave.

However, Tanya picked up a small knife from the table and said slowly, "Zara dies the minute you step out of that door, and I'll tell everyone that you're the murderer."

Wendy turned around immediately and saw that Tanya was holding a knife against Zara's throat. There was a sinister smile on her lips.

She said in a flustered voice, "Tanya, don't do this! She is Hanson's mother. Aren't you in love with him?"

"Yes, I do love him. That is why I have to get rid of all of the obstacles that might get in my way."

Wendy shook her head and raised both of her hands. "I won't get in the way. I'll divorce him."

"Divorce? Ha! That won't be enough. You should rot in hell."

Tanya stood up as she was speaking. Then, she raised the knife and thrust it in Zara's direction all of a sudden.

Wendy was completely caught off balance. She quickly ran towards Tanya and tried to push her away.

However, Tanya had managed to drive the knife into Zara's lower abdomen, on the left of her body.

As blood gushed out of the wound, Wendy grabbed hold of Tanya's arm and pulled her aside with all her might.

At the same time, Tanya happened to have pulled the knife out as she fell to the floor.

Zara's hospital gown was instantly soaked in blood.

Wendy stretched out her hands and pressed down on the wound. Then, she shouted for help whilst a feeling of sheer terror came over her, "Help! Somebody! Help us!"

Staring at Wendy's panic-stricken face, Tanya just lay on the floor not moving. She merely chuckled and said, "Wendy, I will definitely bring you down this time because I am way more vicious than you."

After saying that, Tanya stabbed the knife forcefully into her own shoulder.

The position of the wound was exactly the same as that of Hanson's.

Wendy was completely stunned. She had finally realized Tanya's motive.

"Tanya is indeed an extremely vicious person, diabolical even," Wendy pondered.

At that very moment, a nurse came in through the door.

Tanya screamed at the top of her voice, "Save me! She's trying to kill us!"

"Help!" The nurse cried out when she saw the situation in the ward. Then she turned around and ran out of the room in fright.

It was only a few seconds later when Hanson came rushing into the room.

Hanson felt a surge of panic upon seeing a scene of utter chaos inside the ward.

Tanya crawled on all fours to where Hanson was standing and grabbed onto the hem of his trousers.

"Hanson, save Auntie Zara! She was stabbed."

Hanson moved closer to the bed and saw that Wendy was pressing her hands tightly against the wound on his mother's lower abdomen. In a fit of rage, he flung Wendy away.

Wendy stumbled and fell onto the floor.

She shook her head as she looked at Hanson, and she said quickly, "It wasn't me!"

Just then, the nurse, who had ran out of the ward earlier, came back along with several medical personnel and a few security guards.

The medical personnel moved the injured Zara out of the ward.

Wendy got to her feet and grabbed onto Hanson's arm.

"You have to believe me, it really wasn't me! There is no one else in this world that would like for Zara to regain consciousness more than I do. It was Tanya, it was her..."

Tanya sobbed, "Wendy, I can forgive you for hurting me, and I can even take all the blame for you. But... how could you be so merciless? She is Hanson's mother. You... were you afraid that Zara might expose your lies if she recovers? That's why you tried to kill her? If I were not here today, who were you planning to accuse of this crime?"

Hanson seized Wendy by the throat, almost choking her to death.

He gritted his teeth and glared at her with bloodshot eyes. "Wendy Simons! If anything were to happen to my mum, it will be the end of you and your entire family."

He pushed Wendy aside roughly and instructed the security guards to keep watch over her. Then, he helped Tanya, who was still bleeding from her wound, to get up.

Tanya had only managed to take two steps before she fainted.

Hanson carried her in his arms and strode off quickly.

Wendy fell to her knees. With her face down, she lay on the floor, her forehead touching the ground.

"My heart... hurts so badly...

"Why won't you believe me? Hanson Yale, why won't you just believe me?" She thought.