Chapter 8: Is She Dead?

When Hanson had arrived at work early in the morning, his secretary quickly followed him into the office.

"Master Hanson, we've just received a call from the hospital, and it said that madam has..."

Upon hearing his words, Hanson looked up at him frostily.

The secretary stopped talking almost immediately.

"There's no need to report to me on her activities from now on," Hanson said coldly.

Sensing a trace of irritation in Hanson's tone, the secretary briskly replied, "Understood."

His secretary headed to the door.

All of a sudden, Hanson threw his pen onto the table in frustration. Then, he asked in a frosty voice, "Isn't she supposed to be in prison? Why would we receive a call about her from the hospital?"

His secretary turned around and said respectfully, "Last night, madam... Mrs. Wendy committed suicide in her prison cell."

Hanson's expression hardened instantaneously. He asked, oblivious of the hint of panic in his voice. "Is she dead?"

"No. Currently... she has been resuscitated. We've received the call because the doctors would like to inquire about what to do next regarding Mrs. Wendy."

Hanson heaved a sigh of relief without even realizing it himself. Then, he loosened his tie and asked coldly, "Why did she commit suicide?"

"According to the prison warden, Mrs. Wendy couldn't handle the harsh living conditions in prison as she's had a relatively comfortable life before. But I have yet to look into the specifics of the incident. If you would like to know more about it, I'll go now..."

Hanson grew adamant at the thought of his mother's injuries. He had an icy gaze as he spoke, "That's unnecessary. Send someone to tell that woman that if she dares to commit suicide again, her father and brother will be the ones to die right after her."

"A woman like her should just spend her days quietly in a correctional institution," he thought.


What Hanson didn't know was how his words had turned Wendy's life into a living nightmare.

She dared not try to take her own life again for the sake of her father and brother.

However, the brutal tortures got even more worse when she had been sent back to prison after her suicide attempt.

Every day, new wounds would appear on her body, overlapping with her old scars. It went on ceaselessly.

Little by little, Wendy grew numb.

She did not resist, nor did she struggle any more as the others tormented her.

For two whole years, she lived like a walking corpse...

It felt as though she was just breathing, because she couldn't even feel any other sensations of being alive.

She had thrown away all of her pride and dignity. Her only wish was to have her father and brother live on.


Just before dawn, the door to Wendy's prison cell opened with a clank all of a sudden.

"Wendy Simons, step out of your cell now."

That voice rang out rather abruptly in the darkness.

Wendy got up mechanically and dragged herself out of the ward despite her tired body.

She had thought that it was just another day where she would face all kinds of bullying as per usual.

But strangely, they gave her a change of clothes and sent her to the prison gate.

"There is undoubtedly one year left before I get released from prison..." Wendy was rather confused as she pondered.

The prison guard said stonily, "From now on, live an honest and decent life."

She walked out of the prison gate as a light drizzle was falling. 

She looked up at the dark sky and felt as though she was standing outside under a shower of fine, tiny needles. 

Nowadays, she hated rainy days.

Suddenly, a bright light shone in her eyes. It was the light from a car's headlights.

Wendy's heart missed a beat as soon as she saw the light.

She was afraid that this was just another new game, which had been concocted by those people who had tortured her in prison.

But then, someone got out of the car, came up to her, and shielded her from the rain with an umbrella.

"It's been a long time, Mrs. Wendy."

When she had finally seen the person's face clearly, for some reason, Wendy took a step back.

It was Vincent Young, Hanson Yale's butler.

"Master Hanson is waiting for you inside the car. Please get in the car."

Wendy turned her gaze on the car and asked, "Was it him who's gotten me out of prison?"

Vincent bowed to her respectfully and remained silent.

Wendy clenched her fists slightly.

She had tried to consider the odds of her running away successfully. But she gave up the thought in the end.

She walked over and got into the long, posh limousine. Then, she sat in a corner which was diagonally opposite to Hanson's.

Hanson still had an icy and elegant aura about him, and he was staring at her with the same cold gaze.

He was observing the woman in front of him.

She had always been very thin, but right now, she seemed to have become even more fragile.

Her face was ghastly pale. Unlike the fair complexion that she once had, her face was drained of colour now, and she looked sickly and malnourished.

There were even scars on her forehead and chin, making her face a rather nasty sight to behold.

If it were not for the fact that he had known Wendy since he was a child, he would hardly recognise the woman before him as the beautiful and refined socialite from his memories.

In the past, regardless of the place and time, Wendy's eyes would light up at the sight of Hanson, and her gaze would follow him as if they have been stuck on him.

But now... she did not even bother taking a single glance at him. The twinkle in her eyes were gone too.

As the car was moving slowly away from the prison, Wendy asked in a low and emotionless voice, "So, what is it that you need me for?"

Hanson said icily, "It's been two years since we've last met, and it seems that you've become a little wiser."

Wendy flashed him a sarcastic smile without saying anything.

Now, even the act of talking to him made her feel sick.

There was a flash of anger and hostility in Hanson's eyes when he saw the look on Wendy's face.

He tossed a document onto Wendy's lap and said, "Sign that after you're done reading it."

Wendy flipped through the document and saw its contents, then she let out a quiet, scornful laugh.

It was an agreement for a liver donation procedure.