Chapter 9: I Have Plenty of Ways to Make You Comply

Three years ago, Tanya had suffered third-degree burns whilst she tried to save him from a deadly fire.

Even though Hanson knew that the success rate of a skin transplantation procedure between two different individuals was very low, he had nevertheless gotten Wendy onto the operating table cold-bloodedly.

That operation had left a scar on her leg till this day. 

Another vivid memory of the time when Tanya had said that she wanted a child also came flooding back to her.

Late that night, Hanson came into her room abruptly and forced himself upon her. But after he was done with her, he said to her as his fingers brushed against her scar, "Wendy, your scar was a real turn-off."

Three years had gone by since then, and now Tanya needed a liver transplant. In point of fact, Hanson could easily find her a suitable liver from a wide variety of sources at his request.

However, he was asking for Wendy's liver instead.

She had thought that after marrying Hanson, they would be a loving couple that would stick together through thick and thin for the rest of their lives.

But in the end, Hanson was the source of all her pain and sufferings all this time. 

"Well, it doesn't really matter anyway. I don't give a d*mn about him any more," Wendy thought.

Wendy slowly put the document back into a paper folder that came with it. Then, she placed the folder on the seat beside her.

"I won't sign this document." 

Hanson frowned. Although he had sounded calm, his question was posed in a chilling tone. "You're not going to sign it?"

Wendy did not meet his gaze. She was staring at the white string that was attached to the paper folder with her head bowed. 

"I won't sign it. I am under no obligation to donate my liver to her." 

"Ha, how shameless of you to say that! She's in her current state all because of you. You..." 

"Master Hanson," Wendy interrupted Hanson and looked up at him frostily.

This was the second time Wendy had addressed him as Master Hanson.

The first time she had done that was on the morning of her 18th birthday, when Hanson had just woken up on her bed.

At the time, she was looking at him with a bright smile on her face, and she asked coquettishly, "Master Hanson, since we've already spent a night together, will you marry me?"

They were clearly the exact same words.

But this time, she sounded so cold and distant.

"I know you're extremely capable and resourceful," she said as she patted gently on the part of her body where the liver was located.

"My liver is right here. If you want it, you can have your men take it by force. You can even skip the anesthetic, I won't make a single sound."

Hanson leaned forward slightly and grabbed hold of Wendy's chin.

He stared stonily into her eyes. "It's been two years, and you still haven't learnt your lesson."

"Learnt my lesson?

"Hanson is so sorely mistaken about that. I have fully and thoroughly learnt my lesson by now.

"These days, I won't fight back nor will I retort when someone attacks me physically or verbally.

"But that doesn't mean that I should give in to this devilish man in front of me.

"If they were to force me anyway and I end up dying on the operating table, I'll take it as God offering me a salvation from this nightmare," she thought.

The corners of Hanson's lips curled up. "You should know very well that I have plenty of ways to make you comply."

"Is that so?" Wendy spoke in an increasingly frosty voice as well. "Well, you can try all you want, but I'll never save that wretched woman. I'm just going to watch her die."

Hanson's hold on her chin tightened. "How dare you say such cruel words?"

Wendy just looked at him with a mocking smile on her face and did not utter a word.

Hanson let go of her chin abruptly. "Great! Very well, you'd better not regret having made that decision later on."

He pressed on the intercom button and gave an order, "There's a change of destination. Head to the club instead."

"The club?" She repeated inwardly.

Wendy felt rather uneasy.

"What is Hanson up to now?" She wondered.

When the car had pulled up in front of the King Club, Hanson got out of the car briskly.

As he walked into the club, he instructed Vincent, "Get this filthy woman cleaned up properly and send her to the room."


Then, Hanson went ahead and entered the club.

Vincent turned to look at Wendy, who had hardly moved from the car seat. Then, he spoke in a rather strained voice, "Mrs. Wendy..."

Wendy was deep in thought. "Do I have what it takes to go against Hanson at present?

"No, I don't.

"In that case..." Wendy had made up her mind after a moment's thought.

She got up and moved out of the car.

Vincent had gotten someone to help make her presentable. Then, she was asked to change into a skimpy dress.

Wendy knew that Vincent would never do such a thing to humiliate her unless Hanson has commanded him to.

She remained silent as Vincent escorted her to a private room.

There were more than a dozen people, men and women, inside the room.

Hanson sat elegantly in the middle of a sofa, holding a wine glass in his hand. He was staring at her with cold eyes. 

When he had noticed the horrid scars on her arms and legs, his brows furrowed slightly.

Just then, he suddenly recalled what she had done in the past.

She had been extremely cruel and violent back then.

He hardened his resolve and shifted his gaze upwards.

After having a change of clothes and putting on some make-up, Wendy appeared fragile and alluring. In spite of her scars and shorn hair, she still looked breathtakingly beautiful.

"Ha! That outfit even made her look like a complete seductress," Hanson thought.

As soon as Wendy had stepped into the room, the chatter of voices quietened in an instant.

Someone recognised Wendy and exclaimed loudly, "Hey, isn't that Wendy Simons, the most beautiful socialite in Heaven City?"

"Oh, it is her! But isn't she supposed to be in jail?"

"Look at those scars on her arms and legs. They look so gross!"

"Master Hanson, why did you..."

Hanson simply ignored the question and spoke flatly, "Is there anyone here who'd like to bring her home tonight?"

Wendy froze for a moment upon hearing that. Then, she looked up at Hanson's face.

It was the second time that she had fixed her gaze on him that night. The look of utter disbelief in her eyes was painfully apparent.

"Master Hanson, you must be kidding. Shouldn't you have the ravishing lady to yourself..."

A look of disgust crossed Hanson's face. "I don't sleep with just anyone."

Another person chimed in immediately, "That's right. Master Hanson only has eyes for Miss. Nielsen and he's remained absolutely faithful to her. I've even heard that he has adopted a boy for Miss. Nielsen as soon as he had found out that she wanted a child."

Hanson's cold eyes seemed to bore into Wendy. He was waiting for her to admit defeat.

He knew Wendy all too well. She could not stand such humiliation much longer.

But he didn't expect...