Chapter 10: She Has Always Been Like This

Wendy's heart ached terribly at the mention of the word "child".

She was reminded of her poor daughter, who had ended up in several dogs' bellies.

She didn't even get the chance to take one look at the child.

It was as though she could still hear Tanya's words from two years ago echoing in her ears.

"That poor daughter of yours looked so adorable.

"Hanson has said that it's fine even if that b*stard dies. He wouldn't want to keep your child anyway.

"He will adopt another child for me. He is being really considerate towards me."

"Right, how considerate of Hanson! 

"It wasn't enough for him to make my life miserable, he had even treated my child so cruelly, and this was all for Tanya's sake..." Wendy thought.

Before the pain in her chest grew even more unbearable, Wendy opened her eyes abruptly and shot a fierce glare at Hanson. Then she walked towards a man who happened to be the oldest, ugliest, and fattest man in the room and smiled sweetly at him.

"Mister, shall we have some fun tonight? Master Hanson knows very well how skilled I am in bed. Do you want to try it out for yourself?"

The man was obviously taken aback for a split second.

Everyone dissolved into fits of laughter after hearing that. "Mr. McCaw, you must've been blessed with good luck! She is the most beautiful socialite in Heaven City. I'd also like a chance to spend a night with her after you."

"Me too once I've heard that she's skilled in bed."

Hanson stared stonily at the side of Wendy's face. His expression, which had appeared relaxed earlier, had hardened into one that was extremely frosty at the moment.

If looks could kill, Wendy would probably be dead by now.

Wendy's smile broadened. "Let's go then, Mister."

The beefy, middle-aged man was completely bewitched by her smile, and he couldn't help but give an audible gulp.

He got up and flashed Hanson an obsequious smile. "Master Hanson, I'll gladly take up the offer and take my leave first then." 

After saying that, he put his arm around Wendy's slender waist and led her out of the room eagerly. His apparent impatience drew laughter from the others.

As he thought about the meaty hand that rested on Wendy's waist, Hanson suddenly raised his glass and hurled it towards the door with all his might.

A sudden silence fell over the room.

All of them turned and looked in Hanson's direction.

His face remained expressionless at that moment. Then, Hanson spoke in a cold and emotionless voice, "All of you, get lost."

Sensing a drastic change in Hanson's mood, no one dared to stay any longer. The male guests hurried out of the room quietly, along with their female companions.

"That d*mned woman.

"She would rather spend a night with that fat pig than to beg for mercy?

"Fine! Very well.

"She can have it her way. Deep down she's a b*tch, after all," Hanson thought.

Vincent hesitated for a moment and moved towards him. "Master Hanson..."

Hanson cast a frosty glance at him.

Vincent shut his mouth instantaneously, then he took a step back and stood aside.

It had not even been three minutes when Hanson said frigidly, "Find out where they are now."

He would rather destroy his own belongings than to let anyone else have them. It was the same when it came to his woman.

"Understood." Vincent was inwardly relieved, and he quickly left the room.

Chris McCaw had gotten him and Wendy a guest room at the club.

A few minutes later, Vincent escorted Hanson upstairs.

As soon as they had stepped out of the elevator, they saw Chris, who came running in their direction as he was fastening the belt around his waist.

His pants and the sleeves of his white shirt were all stained with blood.

Hanson's expression hardened at the sight of that.

Vincent moved to block Chris' path, then he asked quickly, "Mr. McCaw, what's happened?"

Chris stammered, "That... that woman... is too wild for my taste. I don't have that kind of preference."

Vincent turned around and glanced at Hanson with a worried look.

Hanson walked past Chris and quickened his pace.

As he headed towards the room, Vincent followed close behind.

The door was unlocked. Hanson flung the door open and rushed into the room.

The room was in a total mess.

Wendy, who was sitting on the carpet, shuddered with fear when she heard the noise. Then, she turned around and held a piece of broken glass to her wrist again.

Hanson's face was dark with rage. Then, his gaze fell on her bloody wrist.

When she saw that it was Hanson, Wendy hurriedly straighten up her dishevelled clothes. Then, she threw away the piece of glass and tried her best to speak in a perfectly calm voice, "Ha! Master Hanson's friend was a real coward. I managed to scare him sh*tless with just a little blood."

Hanson strode towards Wendy and seized her by the throat. "You're truly wicked to the core, aren't you? You'd rather sleep with that old swine than to give in to me, is that right?"

Wendy raised her eyebrows as she stared at him. "That's right, I'm just a wicked b*tch anyways. So, Hanson Yale, stop wasting your time. I would rather die than to give you what you want."

She knew very well that Hanson would be extremely furious.

She would rather suffer the humiliation than to donate her liver to his beloved. It was only natural for him to get really upset.

However, Wendy did not expect to see him there.

She was just trying to drive the old geezer away. She had never wanted Hanson to see her in such a sorry state.

Hanson said with a sneer in his voice, "Very well, Wendy Simons. You'd better not change your mind after this."

He pushed Wendy aside roughly, then he turned to look at Vincent. "Show that thing to her."

"Master Hanson..."

"Show it to her now!"

Vincent had no choice but to take out a USB from a bag that he had carried around all the time. Then, he turned on the projector in the room.

Wendy hadn't the slightest idea of what Hanson was up to. She simply looked up at the big screen on the wall.

Her heart sank the instant she saw the video that was playing on the screen. She gritted her teeth. However, the tears that she had been holding back so well this whole time begun streaming from her eyes...