Chapter 11: Why Would You Put Me Through Such Gruesome Tortures?

It was her father.

Her father who had always been gentle and kind.

Her father, a hunched figure dressed in the King Club's cleaners' uniform on screen, was being harassed by several middle-aged men who were led by Hanson's uncle, Seam Hunk inside one of their rooms here.

Those men splashed some wine onto the floor and made her father clean it on his knees.

Then, they stepped on her father's hands and spat on his face.

They even made her father lie face down on the floor and peed on him...

Wendy stumbled to her feet and pounced on Hanson. Then, as if she had lost it, she grabbed onto Hanson's collar and screamed furiously in a cracked voice, "Hanson Yale!" 

She had thought that she would never shed a tear ever again. But it was just impossible for her to remain unaffected as she watched someone humiliate her father like that.

"Why? Tell me, Hanson! Why on earth did you do that? Did you have to go to such lengths just to torture us? What the hell is it that you want? Why won't you just kill me?" 

"Kill you?"

Hanson sneered, "I don't want to dirty my hands."

Wendy shut her eyes and loosened the grip on his collar. Then, she took a step back.

"Dear God...

"No, this God must be non-existent. If there truly were one, how could He stand by and watch a devil like him live amongst us?" She pondered.

Noticing the look of despair on Wendy's face, Hanson raised his eyebrows.

"Weren't you all tough and feisty just a while ago? Yet, you can't even stand this much? I have something even more shocking in this..."

Wendy gave Hanson a resounding slap across the face.

As his eyes blazed with fury, Hanson caught her by the neck and pressed her down onto the sofa. He had a menacing look on his face.

"Wendy, didn't I already tell you that I have plenty of ways to make you succumb? Did you assume that I'll perhaps show you mercy? Are you even deserving of that?"

Wendy stared fixedly at him as tears brimmed in her eyes.

She wanted to take a good look at how hideous his face was.

After quite some time, she said in a voice that was devoid of warmth and feeling, "You can have my liver, but..."

Hanson moved away from her and took a step back. Then, he wiped his hand, which was placed around her neck earlier, with a handkerchief in disgust.

"Get up. We're going to the hospital. I'll make your family die a painful death if anything were to happen to your liver."

Having said that, he turned around and left.

He absolutely hated it when women cry, and it was even more so when it was Wendy who was crying.

Wendy closed her eyes.

Vincent helped her get to her feet and supported her out of the club. Then, after getting her wound treated at a hospital, she was brought to the Yale's residence in the end.

Wendy did not want to return to this place at all.

"But... I don't have much choice now, do I?" She wondered.

She shook her head, knowing very well that she had none.

Vincent escorted her to Hanson's study and left the room right after.

Hanson tossed a pen and the liver donation agreement near her feet. "Sign it."

Wendy bent over and picked them up. "I have a few conditions."

"Do you think that you are in a position to negotiate terms with me?"

Wendy looked at him and said, "Hanson..."

"Don't call my name."

Wendy snickered. "Since when did it disgusted him this much when I say his name?

"Wendy Simons, you've truly failed at everything in life. You really are a complete failure."

"Fine, tell me your conditions."

With his arms crossed, Hanson was staring at her face with a contemptuous look in his eyes. "I'd like to know what other tricks you might have up your sleeve."

Wendy begun flatly, "You can have my liver. Just promise that you'll stop harassing my father. Also, let's sign the divorce papers. From now on..."

"Divorce?" The word rang in Hanson's mind.

Hanson was not at all amused to hear that word.

He got up and strode quickly towards Wendy, then he pushed her down onto the sofa.

"How dare you mention divorce to me? Wendy Simons, you must have conveniently forgotten about the things that you have done in the past just so you could marry me."

"That's right, I don't remember them any more." She desperately wished that she could erase all of her memories of that past.

"I've put all my memories of you behind me. I just want to divorce you now."

"Oh, is that right? Then I'll help jog your memory and have it etched on your mind of how vile and miserable you were."

As he spoke, he lowered his head...

Wendy suddenly felt gripped by fear as she recalled two instances where she was almost raped from two years ago. Almost instantaneously, she began to shout and struggle fiercely.

"Let go of me! No! Go away!"

But the more she struggled, the more Hanson had wanted to make her suffer.

He wanted Wendy to feel the pain and remember distinctly of how disastrous it had been for the Yale Family ever since she had entered his life.

When he had finally pulled off Wendy's clothes and saw the innumerable scars on her body, Hanson froze.

These were clearly not a dog's bite marks. Moreover, he did not recall finding such scars on her two years ago.

"What are these?"

Wendy pushed him away like a madwoman and stumbled out of the sofa. Then she clutched on to her clothes tightly and curled up, all the while mumbling uncontrollably, "Don't touch me... don't touch me..."

Hanson crouched down and grabbed hold of her shoulders. Then he bellowed, "Wendy, why are there so many scars on your body?"

His loud voice pierced through Wendy's muddled mind, and he managed to pull her back to reality.

Wendy looked at Hanson and frowned. Then, she realised it was him who had asked that question.

She chuckled scornfully. "Hanson is actually asking me what are these scars?

"Isn't he the one who's given me each and every one of these scars?" She thought to herself.