Chapter 12: Hanson Yale, You’ll Definitely End up in Hell

"Yet now, he's asking me about these scars," Wendy pondered.

When he saw that she was just looking at him with a mocking gaze, Hanson said sternly, "Answer me."

"This is probably divine retribution. I've shamelessly fallen for someone that I shouldn't. So, I've been punished by God."

A hint of doubt flashed in Hanson's eyes. But he said coldly the next instant, "Wendy, don't try to put the blame on me for everything. You of all people don't have the right to say that."

"I don't have the right to say that...

"What else is there to say between the two of us then?" Wendy wondered.

Wendy picked up the document that was on the floor beside the sofa. "Hanson, I've stated my conditions fairly clearly. Now, the choice is up to you."

Hanson narrowed his eyes. "You're nothing but a vessel for the liver, so who are you to try to bargain with me. As for your father, he still owes me a debt, and he has to repay it fully."

"I'll repay the debt in his stead."

"You? Humph!" Hanson looked at her from top to toe with barely disguised contempt. "How are you going to repay the debt? With a body that's almost completely covered with scars?"

Wendy clenched her fists. "That's right. I'll use this body. Don't you know that there are a lot of men out there who has this kind of preference?"

Hanson's eyes hardened upon hearing that, and he pushed her back onto the sofa. "You're a real b*tch, aren't you? Do you need a man to satisfy your needs that badly? If that's the case, why did you put on that virtuous and valiant act just now?" 

Wendy jutted her chin out stubbornly. "Who says that it was an act? I just wanted to try out something more exciting. It's a pity that the man was too timid, and I had accidentally scared him off."

Hanson was completely enraged after hearing her brazen retort. "Wendy, you're playing with fire."

Wendy smiled. She had actually felt a sense of satisfaction as she watched him grow increasingly furious.

"Hanson, I'll just let you in on the truth. You're right. I'm a b*tch. I'm an easy woman. I've been with countless men, and I can't live on without them..."

The room resounded with a loud slap.

In a fit of rage, Hanson had slapped Wendy across the face.

This was the first time that Hanson had hit her.

"It doesn't really hurt any more. After everything that I've been through, this much pain felt like nothing," Wendy thought.

Hanson moved closer towards her. "You're dying for a man, right? I can give it to you. I'll see for myself how much of a b*tch you are."

Wendy panicked and tried to resist. "Go away! Anyone is fine but not you!"

Her words had fuelled Hanson's rage even more...

That night, Wendy had once again suffered another hellish and awful humiliation.

It was even worse than the time when she was tortured in prison.

Hanson looked at Wendy.

He was convinced that Wendy had changed.

Previously, Wendy would put up a fight whenever he had tried to force himself on her. Yet, her eyes had never shown any signs of fear before.

But this time, she just stared at him as she lay stiff and still under him. Her eyes were filled with despair and horror the whole time.

Wendy silently put on her clothes and got up, all the while keeping her distance from Hanson. Then, she reached for the liver donation agreement and signed it.

Without saying anything else, she swung the door open and left the study.

Vincent was in the living room.

She came up to Vincent. Vincent bowed to her respectfully. "Mrs. Wendy."

"Uncle Young, please prepare a glass of milk for me."

Vincent was a little surprised to hear her mention about the milk.

In the past, whenever they had spent the night together, Hanson would always have Vincent prepare a glass of milk that has been mixed in with a contraceptive pill for Wendy afterwards.

All along, he had thought that Wendy was kept in the dark about this, but it turned out that...

He did not dare to act rashly. Coincidentally, he looked up and saw Hanson, who happened to step out of the study at the time.

Hanson was staring hard at Wendy. "She doesn't want a child of mine?

"Very well," he thought.

Hanson said coldly, "She is indeed not worthy of that. Give her the milk and increase the drug's dosage."

Vincent obeyed his orders and headed towards the kitchen to prepare the milk.

After she had drank the milk and returned the cup to Vincent, Wendy stumbled towards the front door.

It was almost dawn after that long and dreadful night.

But it was still raining outside.

Wendy walked down the street in a stagger. She had no shoes on, but she kept on walking as though she couldn't feel the chilliness at all.

She was heading in the King Club's direction. Even though she knew that it was one of Hanson's property, she had to go and get her father out of that place nonetheless.

Vincent entered the study and reported to Hanson dutifully, "Master Hanson, Mrs. Wendy has left the house. I didn't manage to hold her back."

Hanson threw a frosty glance at him.

Vincent continued, "Mrs. Wendy's shoes are still in the study. She left barefooted."

After a brief moment of silence, Hanson stood up and walked out of the room.

A thought crossed his mind as he reached the door of the study, then he said, "Find out what Wendy has been through while she was in prison these years."


Hanson spotted Wendy's thin and frail figure at a crossroad.

He strode towards her quickly, grabbed her wrist, and started dragging her back in the direction of his house.

Wendy got out of his grip and said stonily, "I've signed the agreement. I'll show up promptly on the day of the operation."

Hanson simply ignored her and carried her in his arms.

He said in a chilling tone, "It doesn't concern me whether you're dead or alive, but your liver must be in top-notch condition. Before the operation, you'd better stay obedient, and don't provoke me any more."

"My father..."

Hanson interrupted, "You're going to bargain with me even before having the operation? Wendy, stop being so shameless. Now, even the thought of talking to you fills me with disgust."

Wendy clenched her teeth and glared at Hanson with a resentful look.

"Hanson Yale, you'll definitely end up in hell," she cursed inwardly.

In the morning, Vincent had sent someone to inform Wendy, who was in the guest room, to head to the dining room for breakfast.

On her way to the dining room, Wendy heard a soft voice coming from the living room, "Wendy?"

Wendy was so appalled by that voice that it turned her stomach.