Chapter 22: You Owe Her Too Much

She sneered as she continued, "I'm absolutely fine with that. I would like to watch Tanya die a gruesome death, the sooner the better. If that's alright with you."

Upon hearing those spiteful words, Hanson bent over and grabbed onto her chin with a menacing look on his face.

"Wendy, you vile woman. Can't you just show her a little bit of kindness?" 

"Well, I'm absolutely certain that he doesn't deserve any kindness from me," Wendy thought.

Wendy said defiantly, "I'm just a vile woman, so why would I have something like kindness left in me? Hanson, you shouldn't be mistaken. Tanya is the person that you love. You can cherish her however you like, and you could even sacrifice me to save her life. But why are you asking me to see her in the same light? I loathe that woman. I want her dead with all my heart."

A loud slap rang out in the room...

Hanson had slapped Wendy hard across her ghastly pale face.

Wendy could feel a burning sensation on her cheek. Yet, she smiled.