Chapter 21: I Won’t Let Her Die Just Like That

Hanson finally came to realise the severity of their situation.

Howard could sense Hanson's dismay at the news. As he thought of Wendy's condition, he couldn't help blurting out, "What on earth was Tanya thinking? Does she really not want to live? If she doesn't want to, why should I bother saving her..."

Hanson looked up at Howard and interrupted him, "I'll have Vincent bring Wendy over."

Howard was surprised. "Hanson..."

Hanson continued, "Both Anna and Tanya had saved my life before. They were also the victims of... an awful and mortifying assault because of me. So, how could I just stand and watch Tanya die?"

Howard prodded, "Then what about Wendy? Do you really want to watch her die instead?"

Hanson replied without the slightest hesitation, "No."

As soon as he realised what he had just said, he immediately added, "I won't let her take the easy way out and die just like that."