Chapter 55: You’ll Spend the Rest of Your Lives Happily Together

Upon hearing his words, Tanya immediately rushed after Hanson and caught hold of his arm. Then, she said quickly, "Hanson, don't do this, I beg you."

Hanson cast a cold glare at Wendy.

When he saw that she still had a look of blatant defiance, Hanson barked stiffly, "Tanya, go back to your room."

Tanya did not listen to him. Instead, she held onto Wendy's free arm and wept dejectedly, "Wendy, you should just tell Hanson that you didn't mean those words. I just thought that it'd be a good idea for me to prepare meals for Uncle Peter and take care of him. Why would you get so angry? I only had the best intentions for him."

Wendy was instantly filled with an intense loathing. She tore herself away from Tanya's grip and warned her furiously, "Get lost! Don't act like you really care about me. Tanya, I'm not just making an empty threat. So, don't you dare try to hurt my father."

Tanya stumbled and fell heavily to the floor.