Chapter 56  You Wouldn’t Want to See Me Pregnant With Your Child

Hanson was boiling with rage. "This woman truly does not change.

Very good," he seethed inwardly.

He grabbed onto Wendy's arm and started dragging her towards the direction of her room.

Tanya called out to him in a worried voice, "Hanson..."

Hanson ignored her whilst shouting furiously, "Vincent, get everyone out of the house."

Vincent responded immediately in a respectful manner, "Understood."

In truth, there was only him and Tanya in the living room then.

He walked over to Tanya's side and said, "Miss Nielsen, shall we?"

Tanya bit hard on her lip as she stared at Hanson's back and stood there, not moving.

As the door to Wendy's room slammed shut, Tanya swore that she could almost hear the sound of someone tearing some fabric apart coming from the room. It made Tanya grit her teeth and clench her fists instinctively.

Vincent said to her once again, "Miss Nielsen, please leave the house now."

Tanya would not budge.