Chapter 70 I’ll Never Be Able To... Escape From Him

Wendy pushed those dark, painful thoughts to the back of her mind. She lifted her eyes and cupped Charley's face in her hands, then she smiled at him faintly.

"I'm not going to take my own life. I've only said those things to scare him. I was just... trying to make him treat me better. I have never done anything wrong. So, why should I kill myself?"

She stretched out her arms and hugged Charley tightly.

"Don't worry, Charley. I'm not going anywhere until I've made sure that you and dad are safe and well."

Though he knew that Charley was her younger brother, however, the sight of them holding each other in a tight embrace still made Hanson feel... "Disgusted! That's right, I'm just downright disgusted by them," he thought.

Hanson strode towards them and grabbed Wendy by the collar, then he yanked her to his side.

"Don't you dare hurt her!" Charley lunged at Hanson furiously, but Hanson managed to flung him away with a sweep of his arm.