Chapter 71 The Old Wendy Is Gone Now

Hanson pulled out a chair and sat right opposite him. With an impassive expression, he said, "Go ahead."

"Wendy is my child, and I know her better than anyone else. She is kind and soft-hearted, and she is definitely not the kind of vicious person that you've claimed her to be. Me and my wife will both take the blame for everything that's happened up to this point. My only wish is that you will stop hurting my daughter."

Hanson sneered. "A parent will never see their child as a bad person. Don't you still cherish Ryan even though he's committed countless contemptible things?"

Peter said dejectedly, "Wendy is different from Ryan. Ryan has made those bad decisions as he's lost his sense of what's right and what's wrong. But Wendy has never..."

"Mr. Simons." Hanson looked at Peter unemotionally. "I was never the one who's brought this upon her. It was her whom would not change her spiteful ways. She's been arrogant and overbearing. She has no respect for her elders. She..."