Chapter 75 A Pain Worse Than Death

Upon receiving the news that Kerwin had came down with a fever.

For some reason, Wendy felt a sense of panic rising inside her.

Her intuition was telling her that Tanya would make a big fuss by using this issue.

Hanson's face hardened as he narrowed his eyes. "What's happened?"

"This afternoon, Wendy said that Kerwin's hair seemed a little dirty, and she would like to give the child a bath. I... couldn't bear to stop her, so I let her do it. When she was bathing the child, I went into the bathroom to check the water temperature and found that the water... was a little cold."

Hanson was incensed upon hearing that. He turned around and strode towards Wendy, then he grabbed hold of her collar.

"Wendy, didn't I tell you to stay away from that child? How could you be so vicious? How could you bathe such a young child by using cold water? What were you trying to do to him?"

Sure enough.

Her intuition was right.