Chapter 76 I’ll Show Your Daughter This Video

Seam was about to leave after saying that.

Charley reached out and grabbed onto the hem of his trousers with the little strength that he had left.

"Don't... don't you dare hurt them."

Seam tore himself away from Charley's grip and stepped on his hand mercilessly, then he stormed out of the room.

It did not quell his anger at all after he had beaten Charley up.

He got into his car and ordered his driver to take him to the club so that he could find Peter.

Peter was not pleased in the slightest to see Seam.

This man, who had once suck up to Peter in order to gain some business opportunities for himself, was now all stuck-up and supercilious in manner.

"Peter, long time no see. I have some good stuff to show you."

As he spoke, Seam took out his phone and showed Peter a video.

Peter wasn't going to pay him any mind initially.