Chapter 77 Break Her Hands if She Dares to Hurt Him

That unexpected gesture took Wendy completely by surprise. Even Hanson and Tanya, who were standing behind him, were shocked to see him do that as well.

That Rubik‘s Cube was one of the gifts that Hanson had purchased randomly on a business trip overseas back in the days when Kerwin was younger.

Kerwin had picked the cube out of so many other toys that were given to him, and he had kept it with him at all times ever since. He had never even once gave it to anyone else...

Kerwin did not respond to her question, and he merely shoved the Rubik‘s Cube back into her hand.

Wendy took it as she turned her eyes towards the cube. After a brief pause, she lifted her gaze and smiled softly at Kerwin.

"Thank you, Kerwin."

Hanson frowned upon seeing her smile.

"How long has it been since I have last seen her smile like this?

"It's been a really long time, huh?" He pondered.