Chapter 79 You’ll Watch as His Life Come To an End

Wendy sighed wearily. "I wasn't trying to court anyone's favour. I'm merely stating an honest opinion of how I feel each time I see Kerwin."

Hanson smirked contemptuously. "Your opinions are of zero importance to us."

Wendy felt bad for Kerwin. "It truly is the greatest misfortune in Kerwin's life for him to be adopted by someone like you."

Her words thoroughly enraged Hanson, and he gripped at her shoulder hard.

He was using all his strength in his grip. Though Wendy was in pain, she still stared at him defiantly.

Tanya put Kerwin down, and she quickly grabbed onto Hanson's arm. "Hanson, I'm not against Wendy's way of tending to children. In fact, a child should get some sun and explore the nature more. I was just worried that Kerwin might get sunburnt. Both of us are trying to ensure his well-being. So, don't get so upset. You'll scare Kerwin."