Chapter 80 Do You Not Feel Sorry for Her?

They were in an area that was plainly clear of obstructions, but Bonnie had deliberately bumped into Wendy from behind as she walked past her.

Wendy staggered and almost fell. Then, she turned and glared at Bonnie.

Bonnie jutted her chin out and said grumpily, "How annoying! Why would you stand in my way when there's an open field for you to walk around?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't realise that you were blind." She shot Bonnie a frosty glare, then she lead Kerwin away to grab some snacks, and then they headed towards a tree nearby that offered shade from the sun.

"I might not have what it takes to stand up to these people, but I know how and when to avoid them," she thought.

The two of them sat on the ground. Wendy, who sat facing Kerwin, passed him a slice of cake.

Kerwin took it from her and started eating quietly.

Tanya dragged Bonnie along to the tent, and they took the seats next to Hanson and Howard.