Chapter 91 You’ll Definitely Regret This One Day

Charley reached out his hand and pressed down on Wendy's hand that was covering his eyes, then he said in a low voice, "Alright."

With a fierce determination, Wendy managed to raise her right hand though she was trembling slightly.

She closed her eyes and thrust at Charley's chest with the shard of glass.

At that very moment, someone kicked the door open from the outside.

Hanson rushed into the room and struck at Wendy's wrist with his foot.

Wendy winced and lost her grip of the broken glass.

That piece of glass fell onto the floor.

Hanson grabbed hold of Wendy's collar and pulled her towards him.

"Wendy, you're truly vicious! How could you even bring yourself to do something like this to your own brother?"

Charley leapt to his feet and pushed Hanson away forcefully. "Don't touch her!"

Wendy struggled to regain her footing, then she walked up to Hanson. She spoke in a weak but steely voice, "Hanson, do you even know the difference between being alive and dead?"