Chapter 92 He Was Your Child

Bonnie lowered her head and whispered next to Wendy's ear in a mocking tone, "Kerwin, who had drowned in the lake that day, was your child."

Wendy pushed Bonnie away almost instantaneously.

There was a hint of insanity in her eyes as they blazed with fury. She said through gritted teeth, "You're lying."

Bonnie threw her arm back and slapped Wendy across the face in an instant. "You insolent wench!"

However, Wendy repeated firmly, "You're lying."

When she noticed that she had successfully provoked Wendy to anger, Bonnie raised an eyebrow and rose to her feet. She peered down at her with a haughty look and said smugly, "I'm not lying. In truth, the baby that you've given birth to back then was not a stillborn baby. Hanson wasn't going to allow you the chance to use the child as leverage against him, nor did he want the child to find out about his birth mother. So, he came up with this perfect plan to have Tanya raise Kerwin as her child instead."