Chapter 99 Charley's Suicide

Wendy's eyes flew open at that very instant.

Sadly, it was not Kerwin's face that came into sight before her, but it was Hanson's...

Wendy tore her hands out of his grip and slapped Hanson without the slightest bit of hesitation.

Hanson's eyes blazed with rage instantaneously. "What are you doing?"

Wendy bellowed furiously, "Why did you wake me up? I was this close to catching up with Kerwin just now. I was going to grab..."

Hanson seized hold of her wrists and pressed them down against the pillow.

"Stop it with those delusions of yours. Kerwin is dead now. Besides, even if he is still alive, there's no way that I'd let him stay with you."

"Hanson Yale!" Wendy yanked her hands free and gripped at Hanson's collar. "Why did you do such a cruel thing to me? Why did you take away the right to be with my child from me? Why didn't you tell me the truth when he was just right in front of me? Who gave you the right to do all of this? Who are you to do such a cruel thing to us?"