Chapter 100 We Can’t Ever Let Wendy Find Out

Hanson took a step backwards as he staggered a little.

"He's dead. Charley is dead," those words rang in his mind.

Vincent's expression grew solemn as well.

"If Mrs. Wendy were to find out about this, she'd probably..." Vincent pondered.

Hanson stood rooted to the spot for quite a long time. Outside, the early morning sun rose into the sky.

Vincent knew that there was not much time left, and that they had to deal with the issue anyhow.

So, he moved closer towards Hanson and asked in a low voice, "Master Hanson, what should we do about this?"

Hanson walked over to the side and slowly sat down on the chair again.

A brief moment later, he said, "Hold a grand and proper funeral for him, but make sure to keep the news of his death from being made public. Most importantly... we can't ever let Wendy find out that Charley is dead under any circumstances."

Vincent lowered his eyes. "Understood, then... what about Mr. Simons?"